We have KBR, a subsidiary of the treasonous Halliburton corporation, being contracted by the treasonous Department of Homeland Security for $385 million to supports its Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the event of an "emergency."
The contract provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to expand existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities in the event of an "emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S.," or to support the rapid development of "new programs," KBR said.
These "detention" facilities are in many states in America, strangely, and isn't it interesting that they are spending all this money to build detention centers, all with shackles in the floors and other restraining features, but our servant government is, at the same time, failing miserably to stop the influx of millions of "immigrants" into the country. So... one must ask, exactly WHO are these detention facilities really actually for? The answer is, Americans.
What "new programs" could they be planning or even need such detention camps for? It is all being established under the guise of emergency situations such as "natural disasters," "emergency immigration" into our country, and other comfortable, patriotic sounding pablum, but it is planned for millions of Americans who are standing up for the Constitution and Rule of Law, and who voice dissent against the criminal government, military and corporate elements at work today. You may already be on their constitutional patriots black list if you think things are wrong and do anything about it at all.
Welcome to Nazi, fascist America in the making, with tacit approval, or even willing complicity, by most leaders in government, law enforcement and the military.
Find this hard to believe? So did Germans in the 30's... "couldn't happen here" they stated. But it did, right under their noses and with their blessings by doing nothing to stop it. Check out this San Francisco Chronicle article to see how real this is. (Written by Lewis Seiler and Dan Hamburg,
Monday, February 4, 2008, page B7).
Go to http://www.roytaylorministries.com/am01218.htm for a list of known camps in most states, dated from 2000, so likely incomplete as of 2008.
Are we dumb enough to believe that these are for "terrorist enemy combatants" or "immigration masses," or "natural disasters?"
Need more details? Go to http://www.rense.com/general58/fearthecomingtrain.htm, http://thematrixhasyou.org/PDF/civilian-inmate-labor-program.pdf, and http://www.consortiumnews.com/2006/022106a.html, and For more information, simply Google "american concentration camps" for tons of data, pictures and videos. (If some of these links have been removed or data is unavailable...imagine that... go to Concentration Camp Archives for some of this documentation.
If you're not willing to defend your freedoms, our Constitution and the Rule of law against corrupt, treasonous elements in our society, then we will all curse the day we failed to act in time, and for what we pass on to our children, and the rest of the world.
Let's get 100 million true, American patriot's names on their black list and show them who's in charge of this country by doing all we can now, and preparing for the worst later on.
Take this poll and pass it on. It needs to go country-wide to show these criminals what they are in for if they continue!