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General News    H3'ed 1/22/24

The UAE jails the Muslim Brotherhood, while the US shields them

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Steven Sahiounie
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Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator

Dr. Hamad Saif al-Shamsi, Attorney General of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has referred 84 individuals with alleged ties with Muslim Brotherhood to stand trial at Abu Dhabi State Security Court, following a six-month investigation.

The accused face charges of forming a secret organization for the purpose of committing acts of violence and terrorism in the UAE. In May 2023, Jordan handed over Khalaf Abdul Rahman Humaid al-Rumaithi, a wanted man with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, to the UAE.

The UN COP28 climate conference was hosted in the UAE last month, and The Emirates Detainees Advocacy Center, a group headed by an Emirati who lives in exile in Istanbul after being named on a terrorism list by the UAE, organized the a protest.

The MB holds the same core beliefs, and platform as AQ and ISIS. They all believe that Islam is the only true religion and that all Kings, monarchies, and dynasties are oppressive and run against Islam.

They believe that the only constitution needed is the Koran and Islamic Law fulfills all the need for civil codes. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was the Caliph of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and his group came to be called ISIS

The UAE, and Saudi Arabia, labeled the MB as a terrorist group in 2014, and also banned Jibhat al-Nusra and ISIS. Mohammed al-Julani is the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the terrorist organization occupying Idlib, Syria and holding 3 million civilians as human shields. Julani began with Al Qaeda in Iraq, joined ISIS while associating with Baghdadi, and came to Syria to open an ISIS branch, but instead organized Jibhat al-Nusra in Syria, which became the predominate terrorist group fighting the Syrian government , and in 2014 al-Nusra and the US backed FSA has signed an agreement in Idlib.

Once JIbhat al-Nusra came to be labeled a terrorist group, they changed their name to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in order to continue to receive US and UN aid.

Idlib is the last place in Syria controlled by terrorists. It is supplied by the UN and other charities with humanitarian supplies, which all pass through the hands of Julani. The US and the EU have protected HTS and their occupation of Idlib, and US mainstream media have visited Julani for interviews where he dressed in a suit and tie in an effort by the US to rebrand him as a leader worthy of western democratic support.

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I am Steven Sahiounie Syrian American award winning journalist and political commentator Living in Lattakia Syria and I am the chief editor of MidEastDiscours I have been reporting about Syria and the Middle East for about 8 years

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