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The Underworld of Banksters

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Gary Brumback
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The financial industry is but one of many industries in the modern world. Besides whatever their stated purposes may be, every one of their modus operandi can be "unmasked" to reveal some degree and form of wrongdoing and harm done, as I did once in a very cursory way 1.

One of those industries, the financial industry, is comprised of numerous sectors such as the insurance industry for instance. I have written about how it along with its government ally are financially soaking the public. 2 This present article burrows into another sector, what I call the industry's "underworld of banksters." A bankster is a bank or banker that relies on illegal or unethical wrongdoing in their financial dealings. The wrongdoing to be found in their underworld is monumental and incalculable in size and harm done.

Hijacking a Public Domain

Permit me to issue and control a nation's

money and I care not who makes the laws.

--- Mayer Amschel Rothschild 3

Mayer Amschel Rothschild was a German banker and the "founding father of international finance" that grew into the Rothschild banking dynasty that still exists today in full force, with ownership or control of banks in over 150 countries. 4 In 2005 he was ranked seventh on the Forbes' magazine list of "The Twenty Most Influential Businessmen of All Time." 5

Forbes, naturally, did not characterize him as a bankster of the financial underworld, but we can judge whether that is so just from the above quote. In its dependent clause he says he would like to privatize what should be in the public domain, namely, the exchange of money for goods and services, an exchange essential to any society's existence. In its independent clause he is saying exactly what would be expected of a bankster.

Bankrolling Wars

All wars are banksters' wars!


The Rothschild banking dynasty has bankrolled "war operations for the past several centuries." 6 And they bankrolled both sides! 7 And why not? Why would they care so long as they profited from the bloodshed? Mayer Rothschild's wife reportedly quipped on her deathbed "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." 8 Such was the power of her five sons sent by their father to establish banks in five countries. I don't think there is any evidence to show that they did not want wars.

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Retired organizational psychologist.

Author of "911!", The Devil's Marriage: Break Up the Corpocracy or Leave Democracy in the Lur ch; America's Oldest Professions: Warring and Spying; and Corporate Reckoning Ahead.

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