First, understand that all money is fiction anyway, and that any 'value' ascribed to any article or material is only arbitrary and subjective anyway - and not our subjective opinion anyway. This has been so for five thousand years.
That established, now let us look very briefly at the implementation of the financial system that exists within this illusory world.
In our insane world, you have to have money to buy things that the world freely produces - even the natural basics of food and water - but which have been made to cost money to acquire - Yes, and further inflated and inflated in price by incidental 'investment for profit'.
Therefore you have to have money even to live, either by working for it, for what another will pay you for your effort, by having others work for you on the basis of profiting by what you will pay them, or by borrowing it.
If you have to borrow it, in the expectation that profit can enable the repayment of 'capital and interest', then you have to ask another entity that is the source of money to the public to borrow it from them. Therefore you will have to ask a bank for a credit, and the bank will authorise it.
In fact, the banks do not have the money itself, but they authorise your credit by inventing the credit. They are authorised to do this by the whole system being based on falsification, in that the banks invent the credit out of nothing. This is permitted by an abstract illusion called 'fractional reserve lending', which - totally dishonestly and senselessly - permits them to lend nine times the amount of 'real money' that they actually hold from depositors or other sources.
The entire lending system all stems from the ultimate financial authority of the last two and a half centuries, the Rothschilds, who simply authorise all this fiction of finance by lending INK!, and to whom it all returns as loot to be stashed away in their tax-exempt 'Trusts'.
This is the totally empty and baseless foundation of modern finance.
Even much of the supposedly 'valuable' gold in the world has already been falsified by the inclusion of tungsten metal in the supposedly 'golden' ingots. Thus many of the supposedly 'valuable' gold certificates, which incidentally exist in multiple times the quantity of the gold they supposedly represent, like banknotes, are simply paper with ink, in fact represent no real value.
It is all based on totally false supposition, and fraud designed to drink all our nations dry - as we currently see.
Now, due to criminal dishonesty such as we have recently seen implemented by Goldman Sachs and their derivatives scam, plus the bribed authorisation of the theft of future public money to restore fat to these criminal gangsters to permit them to continue taking, the whole basis of even logical 'finance' has been destroyed. Further, those in positions of power, with the ability also to take, cannot even do their sums correctly, and have produced immense deficiencies worldwide that are about to bankrupt almost all the nations of the world.
So our world is poised on the brink, with the mirage results of this falsification and outright theft ready to disperse and leave us, the defenseless flocks - in what situation?
Well, if we normal non-insanely-acquisitive humans care to assume responsibility for our future welfare and progress, then the world can readjust to traditional honest values based on natural reality. This can be done quite simply by us organising to draft OUR independent servant representatives to administer OUR needs. These, duly warned of the dire consequences of inadequacy or corruption, will then vote on their individual consciences to dismantle the totally corrupt system of administration of our world for illusory profit and restore it to sanity.
I can tell you what this will entail, but that is the subject of further progress when the initial steps have been accepted and undertaken.
This is a basic concept of the present situation, and is not open to the distraction of endless vain argument.
You either choose reason in a world finally freed from the malignant infliction of finance, greed, strategic wars and deliberate impoverishment, or you prepare to accept chaos.