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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/5/17

The remedy for Israeli government corruption? Gag orders!

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Joseph Zernik
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The scope of the corruption is nothing less than an earthquake in Israeli public affairs. "Netanyahu's indictment is inevitable." While media and the ruling class are privy to the details, courts issue gag orders to keep the public in the dark.

(Image by Public - State of Israel)   Details   DMCA

Figure. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his indictment on a number of bribing, deceit, breach of trust affairs appears inevitable.


(Image by Public - State of Israel)   Details   DMCA

Figure. Wide-scope ex parte gag order, pertaining to corruption investigations against Netanyahu, was issued on August 03, 2017, by Judge Einat Ron, following a request by the Israel police. Media described it as "rubber stamping" for the Israel police requests.


Tel-Aviv, August 05 -- Central Region Judge Einat Ron granted a second ex parte request by the Israel police for a wide-scope gag order on details of ongoing corruption investigations against PM Netanyahu.

Following dramatic developments of recent days, primarily the signing of plea bargains with two Netanyahu confidants, media predict that "Netanyahu's indictment is inevitable". [i]

Beyond the bribing, deceit and breach-of-trust suspicions, the most shocking scandals pertain to allegations of massive corruption in IDF procurement programs, going on for years. IDF has maintained a high level of public trust, and corruption in security matters is perceived as treason.

The latest developments are nothing less than a constitutional crisis in a nation with no constitution. They raise concern of incompetence and failure of the current government system:

  • Current and former IDF senior officers are under investigations.

  • Shin-Bet and Mossad failure to stop such massive corruption in critical security matters is inexplicable in view of total surveillance of electronic signal and the pervasive human-intelligence apparatus.

  • The PM office in its current form appears lacking adequate oversight.

  • Former top figures in the National Security Council are suspected of corruption as well.

  • There is lack of trust in the office of Attorney General and State Attorney: Demonstrations against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, another Netanyahu confidant, have been going on for 8 months. Mandelblit is perceived as stonewalling corruption investigations against top Israeli political figures. [ii]

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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