Dear colleagues
It is understandable that we have been focused on the horrific and ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of our people. Many of you asked me in the past week to tell more about what we are doing in our institute as inspiring work done in parallel with work for ending this nightmare.
Indeed, they destroy we build. With your support and the support of many local and international volunteers we continue to grow and work harder than ever despite very difficult circumstances. A complimentary track to our other humanitarian work. We end our tenth year of operations (see short video here
*To volunteer
This past week for example we worked on building the new museum and planned exhibits. We did research, got one paper accepted on scholasticide (destruction of the educational system) and did galley proofs on two other research papers (on Jordan Valley and agricultural sustainability). We also worked on projects regarding restoration of agriculture and biodiversity in Gaza, bat research, and management plan for two protected areas. We also had children activities, harvested honey from our bees, and helped in campaigns trying to protect endangered farmers. Follow our activities on
Videos to watch (general on what PMNH/PIBS is about) (on education) (on volunteering) (ten year summary)
We can do a lot more (see here for needs
To volunteer To donate
Thank you and Stay Human/Humane
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages Personal Institute