NAZIS TAKE BABY STEPS AT FIRST -- i'm a fKING idiot -- DUMPTRUCK PRESIDENT in front of upside-down pentagram with lady liberty in the center, scott richard
(Image by torbakhopper) Details DMCA
We were told that Washington DC was a shining star on a hill, and all other nations of the world wanted to emulate us. This was decades ago during Ronald Reagan's presidency. Of course, he didn't really mean when you said, he said with the American people wanted to hear.
This shining example of democracy has been shattered and tossed away like a used blanket that no longer keeps away the cold. The facts are that this country has turned into a free-fire zone where no one is that injustice does not prevail.
One case in point is that of Jeffrey Epstein. This man is a convicted pedophile but yet set free after only a year in jail. He was again arrested by the Southern District of New York for other crimes that he accumulated against underage women.
This man who apparently committed suicide in jail cell run by the New York date Department of Corrections, failed to put this man under suicide watch even though two weeks before he supposedly tried to kill himself by hanging. Today after they ended suicide watch they supposedly found him in his jail cell barely alive and they rushed him to a New York hospital where he was pronounced dead six hours after the incident.
I find that the information we have been provided does not make any sense. Why would they take him off the suicide watch, while when only a week before he had tried to hang himself his jail cell? The first time he tried to kill himself he had a cellmate and yet there's name has not been released to the public. One day after he was taking off of suicide watch they found him unresponsive and almost dead in his jail cell. This time he was not sharing a jail cell with another prisoner.
Jeffrey Epstein is far more than serial pedophile and rapist. He was an extremely wealthy man very high connections. The gullibility of most Americans is done is astonishing! Do believe that someone who had attempted suicide lesson two weeks ago, would die by his own hand lesson two weeks later is something straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. I would have a hard time watching a movie with a plot like this simply because it's totally unbelievable. The fact of the matter is that many people in very high places wanted to silence him sold that they could hide the nefarious things that they did while they carried on with his predilections. I'm not saying exactly who is to blame because there are so many that wanted his mouth to be permanently shut.
I don't believe Attorney General Barr will investigate the circumstances around this man's death. I believe that they will tell us they're doing everything in their power to find out what exactly happened, but meanwhile, they will sit on their hands and stonewall any real investigation. The American people need to know who was involved in this man's death if it wasn't by his own hand. The people of America need to put pressure on the Attorney General to investigate all facets of Jeffrey Epstein's death. Not because he might've been murdered injustice should be done, is because someone out there was some people out there wanted to silence in him and they made it happen.