Each week, well-known American icon Clay Jenkinson takes on the identity and philosophy of one of our most famous presidents and Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, through his highly popular audio production, The Thomas Jefferson Hour, a weekly radio program and podcast dedicated to the search for truth in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson. Each week President Jefferson (as portrayed by Clay, an the award winning humanities scholar, cultural commentator and author) answers questions about his time, his beliefs and shares his knowledge of early America, as well as commenting on current politics events in contemporary America.
Nationally known as a first person interpreter and scholar of Thomas Jefferson, Jenkinson also answers listener questions and shares his thoughts while in the persona of Thomas Jefferson. Clay's portrayal of Jefferson comes from a lifetime of study and thought devoted to all things Jefferson. In a way he is a channel to Jefferson's mind and spirit, allowing us to divine his thoughts and opinions on the subject at hand.
This week, in his October 15th podcast, "Thomas Jefferson" shares his thoughts on the Occupy Wall Street movement. LISTEN TO IT HERE and welcome to The Jefferson Hour.
Clay Jenkinson
Thomas Jefferson