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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 9/15/18

Those Permanent War "Progressives" #Democrats

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Joe Giambrone
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"Get out of here, you lowlife scum!"

-Sen. John McCain to anti-war protesters, January 29, 2015

by Joe Giambrone

One unexpected revelation, that John McCain's death has shown us, is that we completely misjudged some notable players on the national stage. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and even Audrey Denney in Northern California have praised the serial warmonger as some kind of national treasure. Real progressives, on the ground, expect those people to fight against John McCain's imperial agenda of mass murder for mass profits.

What do these representatives stand for in reality? When did imperial wars of aggression become the norm and beyond criticism? What alternatives do we now have in America to this Nazi-styled, industrial-scale barbarism and an ongoing domestic propaganda victory, which Goebbels would have been proud of concocting? Belligerence is now heroism.

(So did Joseph Stalin, Audrey.)

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Joe Giambrone is an American author, freelance writer and filmmaker. Non-fiction works appear at International Policy Digest, WhoWhatWhy, Foreign Policy Journal, Counterpunch, Globalresearch, , OpedNews, High Times and other online outlets. His science fiction thriller Transfixion and his Hollywood satire (more...)
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