Government is just trying to prevent the growing threat of another revolution and cover their own corrupt and treasonous tracks.
On Oct 24, 2007, the house passed HR 1955 Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 and FISA.
HR1955/S1959 simply turns patriotic Americans into domestic terrorists at the whim of government. Free speech, political activities, philosophical arguments and even religious beliefs can now be used as "proof' of YOU being a possible terrorist, and declared an "enemy combatant." How wonderful for our servant government.
FISA gives the government unconstitutional powers to spy on Americans, and forgives criminal activities by the telecom industry. Our government representatives are becoming more and more callous in complete disregard to the Constitution and Rule of Law. Not just the present administration and their lawlessness and disdain for the law of the land, but our Congress is joining into this mindless and treasonous sinking ship and taking our freedoms and way of life with them.
Why would they do such a thing? Most likely, they realize that they are ALL criminals in need of "retroactive immunity" and will likely receive it if we don't do something to hold them accountable. FISA is a story and discussion for another time, but H.R. 1955/S1959 is for today.
This passage in both the House and Senate is just further prima facie evidence of the collusion and conspiracy between lawmakers (breakers), and fascist government designers . It is time Americans woke up to reality and took steeps to remove these traitors from office and hold all accountable to the laws they are breaking.
Rather than go into the details here on what it all entails, there is excellent material you can access and pass on to others on this issue and threats:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
The Center for Constitutional Rights has good information:
Also, go to for a good discussion with many other sources of information.
How long will American's sit back and do nothing about this egregious display of idiocy and wanton disregard for laws which all others in America are responsible to and are punished for violating?