Whenever I watch Bernie Sanders speak my feeling is that something from within him streams across the entire crowd he is addressing like a cool breeze blowing. I can almost smell the sweetness of it.
He always comes across as someone who loves, truly loves, everyone. I've never heard a speech from him that leaves me thinking he brings ill will against any other person in the world, not even against political adversaries.
With everything he says, he brings as much truthfulness as possible, and his expectations always seem reasonable. In short, he is a reasonable man. It is very hard to debate a reasonable man, and so he seems to win the debates, at least in my judgment.
Best of all, he did not take donations from any corporations or big banks or big lobbyists. All his funds came from grass roots. Obviously thousands of other people see and hear the same Bernie Sanders that I see and hear.
What more could we ask to have as leadership of our great nation? Here was the great shepherd we allowed to be cheated out of the nomination! Shame on us! It is just like we allowed CIA to get away with killing the Kennedys! Shame on us!
No huge uprisings over the Kennedy assassinations, huge like the ones now being carried on against Trump on behalf of guess who. Shame on us!
We see no great uprisings over Bernie being cheated out of the nomination. But thousands are playing hell to get a recount of the general election on behalf of guess who. Shame on us!
How could anyone still love us after all that? How dare we expect anyone to risk his or her life to keep going around telling the truth and even asking us to follow in a third party? How dare we ask so much!
So where do we turn now?
The Guide: WE really need to get back to ourselves somehow! Who are we? Where are we? I suggest Sister Giant. Meditate! Here it is: How To Place Your Future In The Hands of God | Marianne Williamson - YouTube http://bit.ly/2kfHvJu
The Urgency: Look at the many reasons for urgency, well articulated by the best writers of our times below:
A.) Farsnews - Prof. William I. Robinson,
Global Capitalism Is In Midst of Its Most Severe Crisis: http://bit.ly/2kfHYeC
B.) Eyes Wide Shut: Chris Floyd, Flying Blind in an Age of
Atrocity | OpEdNews http://bit.ly/2kCod1Q
C.) Please read this article by Martin Kirk, and also click on the Pamphlet and read it too: Do We Live on a One Party Planet? | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community http://bit.ly/11hJDUd