Upon reading this tweet on Twitter.com by Christine O'Donnell, my jaw dropped and quite frankly, I had to laugh and pound my fist upon my desk: "ChristineOD If you haven't seen my new ad, "I'm You", it's up on YouTube at http://youtu.be/tGGAgljengs"
No, Christine, you are not me and I have to say thank God. You are on the wrong side of history stating you are akin to me and my way of life. While you have not held a job, I work as a grocery store cashier. This is a position that pays a little over minimum wage. This is a position where I stand on my feet for hours upon hours while you pontificate.
Just try working my job which pays little or any job like mine where one has to be on their feet for hours. At the age of 52, I come home with leg cramps which are debilitating to say the least. In my opinion, the Tea Party who you represent looks out for the welfare of corporate America and not me. One only looks to the Koch brothers who fund the Tea Party to know this to be factual. Thank goodness for Rachel Maddow's investigative reporting on this matter.
While some Tea Party candidates running for congress have come to oppose the federal minimum wage, I would love to hear your stance on this. Those candidates are Joe Miller running for senate in Alaska, Linda McMahon in Connecticut and others who are running for senate as reported by Chris Matthews on Hardball.
Just who do think you are representing corporate interests above everyday American citizens who work their butts off day in and day out? I would love an answer to that, Christine.
Many Tea Party candidates such as you wish to turn back the clock when it comes to a woman's right to choose even in the case of rape and incest. Try walking in their shoes or being told, "You cannot have an abortion" You are not any of these women, Christine and for that I say, shame on you and damn you!
If candidates like you and Carl Paladino who is running for governor of NY State does turn back the clock: will we as a country return to back-alley abortions where many women have died in the past? If that is your agenda, again, damn you!
Christine, you have NO BUSINESS running for this senate seat since you are NOTHING like millions of American people. To the voters in Delaware, if you think that Christine O'Donnell is just like you, well she has played you as a fool!
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