The insane, in-your-face propaganda against Ron Paul has never been more apparent than now, as his campaign leads in Iowa and potentially stands to win the important state caucus, which kicks off the primary election dominoes. First they tried to ignore him. When growing numbers of supporters called the mainstream media on their censorship, and citizen journalists made the pundits irrelevant by taking the fight onto the Internet, the new attack on Paul took form in the words "He can't win". Now that reality has smacked down this statement (since he is winning) the new weak punch from the media and the neocon GOP machine essentially boils down to, "if he wins, it won't count".
This is exactly what Chris Wallace recently said about Ron Paul's potential win in Iowa.
The press and the establishment Republicans are in full attack mode. They are screaming at Iowa voters to not vote their conscience but rather vote for who the machine says is the people's choice, even though the polls indicate that it's not.
"It would make the caucuses mostly irrelevant if not entirely irrelevant," I owa Republican Becky Beach told Politico. "It would have a very damaging effect because I don't think he could be elected president and both Iowa and national Republicans wouldn't think he represents the will of voters."
Beach apparently helped Bush 41 and 43 there. (Good job, Becky!) Some sour faces in the party demonizing Paul's gain are pushing a conspiracy theory that Paul's lead is being maintained by Democrats who are going to vote for Obama after Paul gets the nomination, now with President Obama's popularity so low. Nearly all of Ron Paul's support stands against Obama's big government and war mongering policies, which are hardly any different than George W. Bush's.
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad is even subtly putting out the call for people in other states to look at who won second place if Ron Paul wins in Iowa. (It would be interesting to see if Branstad would be pushing the same message if Ron Paul became the President.)
The reality that these attacks highlight is clear-- the United States is an occupied nation, with a few at the top of each establishment piece (politics, media, military) guarding an empire that cares nothing about the will of the people and presumes to step in front of them and speak for the public when the public begins to step out of their sphere of control. Now that the propaganda is so obvious and apparent, the question is, if Ron Paul's success continues, to what lows will the media and political machines sink to in order to reassert their control over the people? Regardless of one's opinion of Ron Paul, the fact that the establishment is trying to nullify an election before it has taken place and disregard our democratic process for selecting leaders should scare every American to their soul.