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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 10/30/17

Too much evidence points against the government's claim

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Dave Lefcourt
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LIFE Magazine NOVEMBER 25, 1966 (6) - Kennedy Assassination
LIFE Magazine NOVEMBER 25, 1966 (6) - Kennedy Assassination
(Image by manhhai)
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Life magazine photos of Kennedy assassination

I personally remember the emotional shock of the assassination of President Kennedy now almost 54 years ago. I was 23 at the time. The somber grief of people was everywhere.

Over the years one heard the various theories-"conspiracy theories" of course-that refuted the government's claim Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin.

The recently released secret government papers on the assassination doesn't help. It just reiterates the same lone gunman theory.

Too much evidence clearly points against the government's claim.

The multiple shots heard fired by multiple witnesses, the bullet hole in the windshield of the president's vehicle, reveal more than one shooter.

Two current articles, one by Finian Cunningham [1] the other by Tyler Durden [2], quite detailed in their accounts looking at the evidence, clearly reveal the government's case is not only false but actually the real conspiracy theory.

To those who continue to blindly accept the government's account--not only of the Kennedy assassination, but 9/11, the global war on terror, the recent Las Vegas massacre, the "White Helmets" in Syria as humanitarians saving people's lives--and dismissing skeptics as conspiracy theorists and disseminating "fake news", it becomes apparent the reality of their government being sinister is too terrible to contemplate much less accept as reality. Because that reality undermines the very ground they stand on and turns the world they believed in upside down. How could that be?

But there it is. Their "land of the free and the home of the brave" is pure hokum. That "Pledge of Allegiance" we innocents standing before the flag reciting it since elementary school was just early indoctrination to the propaganda we continue to get from "our" government and their complicit enablers in the corporate MSM.

It's all lies.

To say, "All governments lie" and that's the end of it simply dismisses the fact everything "our" government says and does is just a lie, disinformation and misrepresentation of reality. That from "sea to shining sea" was simply the natural progression westward to the Pacific; i.e., "Manifest Destiny", distorts what in fact was stealing the land and committing genocide against the indigenous people.

I suggest reading Howard Zinn's "A Peoples' History of the United States" to get a clearer understanding of who are and what we've become.

As with all empires our day of reckoning awaits.

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