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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 11/16/19

Top 4 Things Rep. Ilhan Omar was Right about, from Stephen Miller Racism to Trump Impeachment

Juan Cole
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From Informed Comment

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This week The Southern Poverty Law Center reported from Hate-watch that Trump administration official Stephen Miller spent the period before 2016 sending white supremacist messages to the Breitbart Nazi-lite site. He was upset about the turn against Confederate symbols after the massacre in a church by Dylan Roof, and he forwarded stories from sites that promote the conspiracy of the Great Replacement that posits that rich American Jews are bringing in Latino and other immigrants to work cheaply and "replace" the white population. Miller is of Jewish heritage.

As the Washington Post wrote this week, last April 8 Rep. Omar had called Miller a racist, and had received an avalanche of abuse from Republican Party members. Ironically, one charge against her was anti-Semitism because she critiqued a Jewish member of the Trump administration.

So now it is anti-Semitic to criticize the tiny group of white supremacist Jews for their Nazi-like views? Isn't that like, a mobius strip fallacy or something?

This is the kind of Islamophobic abuse she had to suffer for saying so:

This week The Associated Press and PBS reported that the Trump administration has caged nearly 70,000 undocumented immigrant children this year, causing severe emotional trauma. No other country has caged so many children. Before Trump, undocumented families were not typically separated because the adults were not treated as criminals and jailed (children can't be incarcerated in adult cells and so have to be separated).

Rep. Omar had said, "Each and every day. We are under threat by an administration that would rather cage children than pass comprehensive immigration reform."

This week, Venice was inundated a harbinger of the future as human-caused climate change drives sea levels ever higher and warms the seas, increasing the moisture in the air above coastal cities.

Rep. Omar supports the Green New Deal and touts its benefits for Minnesota.

I could go on and on her support for labor unions and progressive politics. And she is right about the need for Palestinian human rights, too, despite the way that the Israel lobbies tried to smear her for saying so.

Bonus video:

The Young Turks: "Ilhan Omar Vindicated On Stephen Miller"

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Juan Cole is an American academic and commentator on the modern Middle East and South Asia.  He is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Since 2002, he has written a weblog, Informed Comment (more...)

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