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Towards a United Nations Council of Centenarians: Benefits, Principles and Practices

Stephen Fox
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The Island Where People Live Longer Than Others How to live longer? Tales about .the fountain of youth. have been passed down through centuries, yet we still haven't managed to find it.or have we?
(Image by YouTube, Channel: BRIGHT SIDE)
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Seeing past so much of the idiocy confusing the forefront of this pandemic, humans could look to such examples of Centenarians from each nation, and thereby find their own personal path into the future. From present data the number of worldwide centenarians is around 450,000.

To get this formidable and beneficial idea off the ground, UN Secretary General Gutteres could send out a letter to each nation's representative asking for two or three names of the longest lived persons in each nation, and then ask the best members of his Secretariat to document their narratives and insights as to special methods and considerations they could share on how they arrived at 100 years of age.

In view of the recent passing of former Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, at 101 years of age, this is timely, and even long overdue.

From present data, the number of worldwide centenarians is around 450,000.

Their insights could be compiled into a compendium thereof and published as such: United Nations Centenarians, would be a good title. This could be used as a text in schools as early as elementary school, and the compilation would also be very valuable in medical schools in consideration of all kinds of subjects, like Preventive Oncology, Consumer Protection, Immunology, Nutrition, and so on.

For example: The Island Where People Forget to Die - The New York Times click here

What's their secret? Researchers point to the Ikarians' Mediterranean diet. And a new study shows that one component of olive oil may be particularly good at keeping the brain from aging.

The research was published in the journal Aging Cell. Scientists looked at mice with abnormal tau protein deposits in their brains. In humans, abnormal tau buildup is present in many people with dementia.

The researchers gave half the animals olive oil daily. Six months later, the mice that consumed olive oil had a 60% reduction in tau deposits compared to those that didn't consume any. The research confirms previous studies that have found extra virgin olive oil defends against Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

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"Ikarians are running at 100! Many say they forget to die! Making it no surprise that the Ikarians' phenomenal longevity has become a hot worldwide topic. In recent years, more and more people have become fascinated by the lifestyle of Ikarians and want to know their secrets to good health. International scientists have turned their strong interest to learn what it is that manages to make Ikarians not only centenarians but also to have a very good physical condition and health even at a hundred years old. There are many reports that focus on the life of the inhabitants of this small Greek island."


What follows is entirely from Wikipedia, needs not to be rewritten or "reiterated" since it is so thoroughly documented. The next one we present at OpEdNews will be focused on individual centenarians whose are worth examining.

Centenarian populations by Nation [Wikipedia]

The total number of living centenarians in the world remains uncertain. It was estimated by the United Nations as 23,000 in 1950, 110,000 in 1990, 150,000 in 1995, 209,000 in 2000, 324,000 in 2005 and 455,000 in 2009.

However, these older estimates did not take into account the contemporary downward adjustments of national estimates made by several countries such as the United States; thus, in 2012, the UN estimated there to be only 316,600 centenarians worldwide.

The following table gives estimated centenarian populations by country, including both the latest and the earliest known estimates, where available.

Country Latest estimate (year) Earliest estimate (year) Centenarians per
100,000 people Andorra 7 (2002) - 10.2 Argentina 3,487 (2010) - 8.7 Australia 4,828 (2018) 50 (1901) 18.8 Austria 1,371 (2014) 232 (1990), 25 (1960) 16.1 Barbados 114 (2016) 39.9 Belgium 2,001 (2015) 23 (1950) 16.9 Brazil 23,760 (2010) - 12.5 Canada 11,517 (2020) - 30.3 China 54,166 (2013) 4,469 (1990), 17,800 (2007) 4.0 Czech Republic 625 (2011) 404 (2006) 5.9 Denmark 889 (2010) 32 (1941) 16.1 Estonia 150 (2016) 42 (1990) 11.4 Finland 908 (2019) 11 (1960) 16.4 France 21,860 (2020) 100 (1900) 32.1[31] Germany 17,000 (2012) 232 (1885) 21 Hungary 1,516 (2013) 76 (1949), 227 (1990) 15.3 Iceland 32 (2015) 3 (1960) 9.7 India 27,000 (2015) 2.1 Ireland 389 (2011) 87 (1990) 8.5 Israel 3,061 (2017) 35.1 Italy 19,095 (2015) 99 (1872) 31.5 Japan 80,450 (2020) 111 (1950), 155 (1960), 54,397 (2013) 63.8 Mexico 7,441 (2010) 2,403 (1990) 6.6 Netherlands 1,743 (2010) 18 (1830) 10.4 New Zealand 297 (1991) 18 (1960) 5.9 Norway 636 (2010) 44 (1951) 13.1 Peru 2,707 (2013) 1,682 (2011) 8.4 Poland 2,414 (2009) 500 (1970) 6.3 Portugal 4,066 (2015) - 38.9 Russia 20,582 (2019) 6,700 (2007) 14 Singapore 724 (2011) 41 (1990) 13.7 Slovenia 224 (2013) 2 (1953) 10.9 South Africa 15,581 (2011) - 30.1 South Korea 3,861 (2014) 961 7.7 Spain 12,244 (2019) 4,269 (2002) 26.0 Sweden 2,207 (2019) 46 (1950) 21.4 Switzerland 1,306 (2010) 7 (1860) 16.6 Thailand 18,969 (2019) 35.9 Turkey 5,293 (2015) - 6.7 United Kingdom 13,170 (2018) 107 (1911) 21.5 United States 93,927 (2018) 2,300 (1950) 53,364 (2010), 30.4 Uruguay 519 (2011) - 15.8 World Estimates 451,000 (2015) 316,600 (2012),[1] 23,000 (1950) 6.2


DNA repair

Lymphoblastoid cell lines established from blood samples of centenarians have significantly higher activity of the DNA repair protein PARP (Poly ADP ribose polymerase) than cell lines from younger (20 to 70 years old) individuals. The lymphocytic cells of centenarians have characteristics typical of cells from young people, both in their capability of priming the mechanism of repair after H2O2 sublethal oxidative DNA damage and in their PARP capacity. PARP activity measured in the permeabilized mononuclear leukocyte blood cells of thirteen mammalian species correlated with maximum lifespan of the species. These findings suggest that PARP mediated DNA repair activity contributes to the longevity of centenarians, consistent with the DNA damage theory of aging.


A survey of the lifespans of male individuals with entries in the Oxford Classical Dictionary (i.e., a sample pre-selected to include those who lived long enough to attain historical notability) found a median lifespan of 72 years, and a range of 32 to 107 years, for 128 individuals born before 100 BC (though the same study found a median lifespan of 66 years for 100 individuals born after 100 BC but no later than 602 AD); by comparison, male individuals listed in Chambers Biographical Dictionary who died between 1900 and 1949 had a median lifespan of 71.5 years, with a range between 29 and 105 years.

The author of the 1994 study concluded that it was only in the second half of the 20th century that medical advances have extended the life expectancy of those who live into adulthood.

Reliable references to individuals in antiquity who lived past 100 years are quite rare, but they do exist. For instance, Cicero's wife Terentia was reported by Pliny the Elder to have lived from 98 BC to 6 AD, 104 years. Regnal dates of Bronze Age monarchs are notoriously unreliable; the sixth dynasty Egyptian ruler Pepi II is sometimes listed as having lived c. 2278 - c. 2184 BC, as he is said to have reigned for 94 years, but alternative readings cite a reign of just 64 years. Addagoppe of Harran, mother of the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire Nabonidus lived from c. 648-544 BC according to an apparently autobiographical account.

Diogenes Laà rtius (c. AD 250) gives one of the earliest references regarding the plausible centenarian longevity given by a scientist, the astronomer Hipparchus of Nicea (c. 185 - c. 120 BC), who, according to the doxographer, assured that the philosopher Democritus of Abdera (c. 470/460 - c. 370/360 BC) lived 109 years. All other ancient accounts of Democritus appear to agree that the philosopher lived at least 90 years. The case of Democritus differs from those of, for example, Epimenides of Crete (7th and 6th centuries BC), who is said to have lived an implausible 154, 157 or 290 years, depending on the source.

Other ancient Greek philosophers thought to have lived beyond the age of 90 include Xenophanes of Colophon (c. 570/565 - c. 475/470 BC), Pyrrho of Ellis (c. 360 - c. 270 BC), and Eratosthenes of Cirene (c. 285 - c. 190 BC).

Hosius of CÃ rdoba, the man who convinced Constantine the Great to call the First Council of Nicaea, reportedly lived to age 102.

A rare record of an ordinary person who lived to be a centenarian is the tombstone of Roman British legionary veteran Julius Valens, inscribed "VIXIT ANNIS C".[82]

In the medieval period, Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan (d. 1097) is reported by Bernold of Constance as having lived past 100 years (iam maior centenario).[83]


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Giuseppe Alessi 1905-2009 103 Italian political leader, president of Sicily[1] Pierre Aliker 1907-2013 106 French Martinican politician, physician and independence activist[2] Vicente Almeida d'Eà a 1918-2018 100 Portuguese colonial administrator, Colonial Governor of Cape Verde (1974)[3] Randi Anda 1898-1999 100 Norwegian missionary and politician, four term deputy representative to the Parliament of Norway[4] Frank Pierpoint Appleby 1913-2015 101 Canadian soldier and politician, member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta (1971-1986)[5] Ronald Atkins 1916- 104 British politician, MP for Preston North (1966-1970, 1974-1979)[6] Babiker Awadalla 1917-2019 101 Sudanese politician, prime minister (1969)[7] Celà l Bayar 1883-1986 103 3rd president of Turkey (1950-1960); previously prime minister of Turkey (1937-1939)[8] Luis Bedoya Reyes 1919- 101 Peruvian politician and Mayor of Lima (1964-1969)[9][10] Armando Leà n Bejarano 1916-2016 100 Mexican politician, Governor of Morelos (1976-1982)[11] Helena Benitez 1914-2016 102 Filipino politician, senator (1967-1972) and Batasang Pambansa (1978-1986)[12] Yitzhak Berman 1913-2013 100 Israeli politician, Speaker of the Knesset (1980-1981) and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure (1981-1982)[13][14] Richard N. Berry 1915-2018 102 American politician, member of the Maine House of Representatives (1960-1966) and Maine Senate (1966-1976)[15] Giovanni Bersani 1914-2014 100 Italian politician, MEP (1960-1989)[16] Earl Hanley Beshlin 1870-1971 101 American politician, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Louis Bisdee 1910-2010 100 Australian politician, member of the Tasmanian Legislative Council[17] Saul Bonnell 1871-1973 101 Canadian politician, member of the House of Commons for the Unionist Party[18] Meredith Bordeaux 1912-2014 101 American politician, member of the Maine House of Representatives (1979-1982)[19] Robert R. Bowie 1909-2013 104 American deputy director of the CIA[20] Sir Harry Brittain 1873-1974 100 British journalist and founder of the Empire Press Union; served in the Parliament of the United Kingdom for Acton (1918-1929)[21] Morley Byron Bursey 1912-2013 101 Canadian diplomat[22] Mortimer Caplin 1916-2019 103 American political appointee, Commissioner of Internal Revenue[23] Reinhold O. Carlson 1905-2006 100 American politician, mayor of Des Moines, Iowa[24] Kalparanjan Chakma 1917/1918-2018 100 Bangladeshi politician[25] Mohan Lal Chakma 1911/1912-2013 101 Indian politician, MLA for Penchartal, Tripura (1978-1983)[26] Albin Chalandon 1920-2020 100 French politician[27] Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont 1919-2020 100 British junior minister and life peer[28] Saul Cherniack 1917-2018 101 Canadian lawyer and politician[29] Chau Sen Cocsal Chhum 1905-2009 103 Cambodian prime minister[30] Binod Bihari Chowdhury 1911-2013 102 Bangladeshi revolutionary[31] Sir Chung Sze-yuen 1917-2018 101 Hong Kong politician[32] Keir Clark 1910-2010 100 Canadian politician[33] George W. Clarke 1906-2006 100 American politician, Washington state legislator[34] Roswell K. Colcord 1839-1939 100 American politician, Governor of Nevada Cornelius Cole 1822-1924 102 American politician, senator for the Republicans in California (R-CA) and longest-lived U.S. senator Benedetto Cottone 1917-2018 100 Italian politician[35] Dame Elizabeth Couchman 1876-1982 106 Australian Liberal Party politician[36] Sir Walter Crocker 1902-2002 100 Australian diplomat, politician and writer[37] Louis Crump 1916-2019 102 American politician[38] John Crutcher 1916-2017 100 American politician, Lieutenant Governor of Kansas[39] Birgit Dalland 1907-2007 100 Norwegian politician[40] Emilio D'Amore 1915-2017 101 Italian politician and journalist[41] Jimmie Davis 1899-2000 101 American politician, Governor of Louisiana[42] Sir Alan Dawtry 1915-2018 102 British local government official, chief executive of Westminster City Council (1956-1977)[43] Javier Pe'rez de Cue'llar 1920-2020 100 Peruvian politician and diplomat, Ambassador to France (1992-2004), prime minister (2000-2001) and Secretary-General of the United Nations (1982-1991)[44] Peter J. De Muth 1892-1993 101 American politician, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives[45] Joseph Frederick Wallet DesBarres 1721-1824 102 Swiss-born Canadian cartographer and statesman[46] Leon Despres 1908-2009 101 American attorney and politician, member of the Chicago City Council[47] Georges-Casimir Dessaulles 1827-1930 102 Canadian senator[48] Charles S. Dewey 1880-1980 100 American politician, member of the Illinois House of Representatives[49] Frank DiPaolo 1906-2013 106 American politician and activist[50] Ä a' -- MÆ degreesa' i 1917-2018 101 Vietnamese prime minister[51] Floyd Dominy 1909-2010 100 American bureaucrat, Commissioner of the United States Bureau of Reclamation[52] Haddon Donald 1917-2018 101 New Zealand politician[53] Fred J. Doocy 1913-2017 104 American banker and politician, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and senator[54] Kazi Lhendup Dorjee 1904-2007 102 Indian politician, first Chief Minister of Sikkim[55] Willem Drees 1886-1988 101 Dutch prime minister[56] Du Runsheng 1913-2015 102 Chinese military officer, revolutionary leader, politician, and economist[57] Eleanor Lansing Dulles 1895-1996 101 American diplomat[58] James R. Dumpson 1909-2012 103 American civil servant[59] Fanny Edelman 1911-2011 100 Argentine politician[60] Don Edwards 1915-2015 100 American politician, member of the California House of Representatives for the Democrats (D-CA)[61] Ek Yi Oun 1910-2013 102/103 Cambodian politician[62] Jules Ellenberger 1871-1973 102 British civil servant, Colonial Administrator of Botswana[63] John Banks Elliott 1917-2018 101 Ghanaian diplomat, Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1960-1966)[64] Nils Elowsson 1890-1999 109 Swedish politician (Swedish Social Democratic Party)[65] Dale Engstrom 1917-2018 100 American politician, member of the Tennessee House of Representatives (1971-1972)[66] Aleksandr Ezhevsky 1915-2017 101 Soviet minister[67] Wilbur Faiss 1911-2013 102 American politician, Nevada state legislature[68] Josef Felder 1900-2000 100 German politician[69] Edward Fenlon 1903-2010 106 American politician, member of the Michigan House of Representatives[70] Xerardo Ferna'ndez Albor 1917-2018 100 Spanish politician, president of Galicia[71] Xenia Field 1894-1998 103 British politician, member of the London County Council[72] Eddie Filgate 1915-2017 101 Irish politician for Louth TD[73] Hamilton Fish III 1888-1991 102 American soldier and politician, member of the New York House of Representatives[74] James Folks 1897-2001 103 American politician, Michigan state legislator[75] Victor Fontana 1916-2017 101 Brazilian politician[76] Thelma Forbes 1910-2012 101 Canadian politician, MLA from Manitoba[77] Renzo Franzo 1914-2018 103 Italian politician, Chamber of Deputies (1948-1968)[78] Elizabeth Hawley Gasque 1886-1989 103 American politician, member of the South Carolina House of Representatives for the Democrats (D-SC) Dorothy Geeben 1908-2010 101 American politician, mayor of Ocean Breeze Park, Florida[79] Henry R. Gibson 1837-1938 100 American politician, member of the Tennessee House of Representatives Jim L. Gillis Jr. 1916-2018 101 American politician, member of the Georgia State Senate (1938, 1945-1946)[80] Marinus van der Goes van Naters 1900-2005 104 Dutch politician, MEP and MP[81] Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani 1919- 101 Iranian politician Bernardino Gonza'lez Ruà z 1911-2012 101 Panamanian president[82] Edgar Granville, Baron Granville of Eye 1898-1998 100 British politician and life peer[83] Joseph P. Graw 1915-2018 103 American politician, member of the Minnesota House of Representatives (1963-1974)[84] Bill Grayden 1920- 100 Australian politician, MP for Swan (1949-1954)[85] Hamida Habibullah 1916-2018 101 Indian politician, member of the Rajya Sabha Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly for Haidergarh, educationist and social worker[86] DeWitt Hale 1917-2018 100 American politician, member of the Texas House of Representatives (1939-1940, 1953-1978)[87] Ruth Hamilton 1898-2008 109 American politician, New Hampshire legislator[88] Sir Cosmo Haskard 1916-2017 100 British Governor of the Falkland Islands[89] Hau Pei-tsun 1919-2020 100 Taiwanese politician, premier (1990-1993)[90] Augustus F. Hawkins 1907-2007 100 American politician, member of the California House of Representatives[91] Bert Hazell 1907-2009 101 British MP[92] Ken Hechler 1914-2016 102 American politician, member of the West Virginia House of Representatives of the 4th congressional district (1959-1977) and Secretary of State of West Virginia (1985-2001)[93] John N. Heiskell 1872-1972 100 American newspaper publisher and politician, senator for the Democrats in Arizona (D-AR)[94] Gerard Helders 1905-2013 107 Dutch politician[95] Fritz Hellwig 1912-2017 104 German politician and European Commissioner[96] Andre's Henestrosa 1906-2008 101 Mexican politician[97] Sir Lenox Hewitt 1917-2020 102 Australian public servant[98] Helen F. Holt 1913-2015 101 American politician, West Virginia state legislator[99] Christopher Hornsrud 1859-1960 101 Norwegian prime minister[100] Mary F. Hoyt 1858-1958 100 American civil servant[101] Arthur J. Hubbard Sr. 1912-2014 102 American soldier, Navajo code talker and politician, senator from Arizona[102] Oscar E. Huber 1917-2017 100 American politician[103] Johan van Hulst 1911-2018 107 Dutch chess player and politician, MEP and MP[104] Les Hunkin 1884-1984 100 South Australian politician, member of the MHA for Labor[105] Margaret Hurley 1909-2015 105 American politician, Washington state legislator (D-WA)[106] Mukhtar Mohamed Hussein 1912-2012 100 Somali president[107] Jeremy Hutchinson, Baron Hutchinson of Lullington 1915-2017 102 British lawyer and life peer[108] Hyun Soong-jong 1919-2020 101 South Korean politician, prime minister (1992-1993)[109] Pietro Ingrao 1915-2015 100 Italian politician[110] Mircea Ionescu-Quintus 1917-2017 100 Ukrainian-born Romanian politician[111] Guillermo Irizarry 1916-2017 101 Puerto Rican politician, Secretary of State of Puerto Rico (1966-1969)[112] Brajamohan Jamatia 1905-2012 106 Indian politician[113] Arthur Walter James 1912-2015 103 British politician and journalist[114] John B. Johnson 1885-1985 100 American politician, South Dakota legislature[115] Denny Jones 1910-2012 101 American politician, Oregon state legislature[116] Piet de Jong 1915-2016 101 Dutch prime minister and MP[117] Russell Jump 1895-2000 105 American politician, mayor of Wichita, Kansas[118] Nestori Kaasalainen 1915-2016 101 Finnish politician, Minister of Agriculture (1966-1968, 1970-1971)[119] Konstantinos Kallias 1901-2004 102 Greek politician[120] Toshiko Karasawa 1911-2013 102 Japanese politician[121] Toshikazu Kase 1903-2004 101 Japanese diplomat[122] Sheila Kaul 1915-2015 100 Indian politician[123] Ke Hua 1915-2019 103 Chinese diplomat[124] George F. Kennan 1904-2005 101 American Cold War policy architect[125] F. Ray Keyser Sr. 1898-2001 102 American politician[126] Muhammad Aslam Khan Khattak 1908-2008 100 Pakistani politician[127] Thanat Khoman 1914-2016 101 Thai Foreign Minister[128] Fuller Kimbrell 1909-2013 103 American politician[129] William V. Knott 1863-1965 101 American treasurer of Florida[130] Juliana Young Koo 1905-2017 111 Chinese-American diplomat[131] Angeline Kopka 1916-2016 100 American politician[132] Bernard Leo Korchinski 1905-2006 100 Canadian politician[133] Kondapalli Koteswaramma 1918-2018 100 Indian communist politician and writer[134] William Krehm 1913-2019 105 Canadian political activist and Spanish Civil War volunteer[135] Alf Landon 1887-1987 100 American politician, Governor of Kansas and unsuccessful United States presidential nominee (R-KS)[136] Howard B. Lee 1879-1985 105 American politician[137] Axel Lewenhaupt 1917-2018 101 Swedish diplomat[138] Li Rui 1917-2019 101 Chinese Communist Party politician[139] Haakon Lie 1905-2009 103 Norwegian politician, Norwegian Labour Party secretary[140] Yegor Ligachyov 1920- 100 Soviet and Russian politician, Second Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1985-1990)[141] Lin Hujia 1916-2018 101 Chinese politician[142] Ling Yun 1917-2018 100 Chinese politician[143] Liu}Liu Jie 1915-2018 103 Chinese politician[144] Dayton S. Mak 1917-2018 100 American diplomat[145] Josip ManoliÄ" 1920- 100 Croatian politician, prime minister (1990-1991)[146] Sigurd Marcussen 1905-2006 101 Norwegian politician[147] Richard McHeffy 1773-1874 100 Canadian politician, member of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia[148] Cameron Ross McIntosh 1871-1971 100 Canadian politician and newspaper publisher[149] Brockway McMillan 1915-2016 101 American Director of the National Reconnaissance Office[150] Enolia McMillan 1904-2006 102 American activist and former president of the NAACP[151] Jà zsef Madara'sz 1814-1915 100 Hungarian politician, Speaker of the House of Representatives[152] Mary Jane McCaffree 1911-2018 106 American secretary, White House Social Secretary (1955-1961)[153] Sir Moses Montefiore 1784-1885 100 British politician, Sheriff of London[154] Cecil Morgan 1898-1999 100 American politician from Louisiana[155] Sir William Mulock 1843-1944 101 Canadian politician and Cabinet member[156] Thomas Patrick Murray 1880-1981 101 Canadian politician[157] Donald Naddy 1917-2017 100 American politician[158][159] Yasuhiro Nakasone 1918-2019 101 Japanese prime minister[160] Charles Navarro 1904-2005 101 American politician[161] Hazel Newhook 1914-2016 101 Canadian politician[162] Nguya' "n VÄ'n Trà n 1917-2018 101 Vietnamese politician, Minister of Transport (1955-1960)[163] Adriana Olguà n 1911-2015 104 Chilean politician, Minister of Justice (1952)[164][165] Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw 1912-2014 101 British politician[166] Arthur Olsen 1914-2014 100 American politician[167] Frances Penrose Owen 1900-2002 102 American civil servant[168] Mehrdad Pahlbod 1917-2018 101 Iranian politician[169] George Alexander Parks 1883-1984 100 American territorial governor of Alaska Norman McLeod Paterson 1883-1983 100 Canadian grain merchant, senator and 1st Chancellor of Lakehead University[170] William Paul 1846-1947 100 Australian politician[171] George Pearce 1917- 103 Australian politician, MP for Capricornia (1949-1961)[172] Nelia Penman 1915-2017 101 British politician and barrister[173] Antoine Pinay 1891-1994 102 French prime minister[174] Alan Prince 1915-2015 100 Canadian civil servant[175] Andre' Prunet-Foch 1914-2017 102 French Vaguer (1977-1980)[176] Rosamma Punnoose 1913-2013 100 Indian politician[177] Qian Min 1915-2016 100 Chinese politician[178] Edward Bernard Raczy..."ski 1891-1993 101 Polish diplomat and president in exile[179] V. K. Rao 1914-2018 104 Indian civil servant[180] Irma Rapuzzi 1910-2018 107 French politician[181] Richard Gavin Reid 1879-1980 101 Canadian premier of Alberta Ernie Renzel 1907-2007 100 American politician, Mayor of San Jose, California[182] Fazlollah Reza 1915-2019 104 Iranian diplomat[183] William J. Ronan 1912-2014 101 American chairman of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority[184] Elmer Ernest Roper 1893-1994 101 Canadian politician, Mayor of Edmonton[185] Albert Rosellini 1910-2011 101 American governor of Washington[186] Nellie Tayloe Ross 1876-1977 101 American politician, Governor of Wyoming and first female Governor in the United States[187] Ruan Posheng 1916-2017 100 Chinese politician[188] Marie M. Runyon 1915-2018 103 American political activist[189] Susanna M. Salter 1860-1961 101 American politician, Mayor of Argonia, Kansas, first female Mayor in the United States Sir George Ernest Schuster 1881-1982 101 British barrister, financier, colonial administrator and Liberal politician[190] Emma Clara Schweer 1896-2001 105 American politician[191] Murray Seasongood 1878-1983 104 American politician, mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio[192] Ralph Seitsinger 1916-2016 100 American politician, mayor of El Paso, Texas[193] Ramà n Serrano Suà er 1901-2003 101 Spanish politician[194] Jean-Claude Servan-Schreiber 1918-2018 100 French politician and journalist[195] Keshavram Kashiram Shastri 1905-2006 101 Indian politician[196] Manny Shinwell, Baron Shinwell 1884-1986 101 British politician[197] Maudelle Shirek 1911-2013 101 American politician and activist[198] George Shultz 1920- 100 American Politcian, Served as Secretary of State, Treasury, Labor, OMB director [199] R. Smith Simpson 1906-2010 103 American Foreign Service Officer[200] Neal Edward Smith 1920- 100 American politician for the Democrats in Iowa (D-IA), longest serving congressman in the state[201][202] Clark S. Smith 1912-2014 102 American politician[203] Alejandra Soler 1913-2017 103 Spanish activist, diplomat, politician and schoolteacher[204] Song Ping 1917- 103 Chinese politician[205][deprecated source] Soong Mei-ling 1898-2003 105 Chinese politician and activist; wife of Chiang Kai-shek[206] Leslie Spoor 1910-2011 100 Founder of the Scottish Green Party[207] William Alex Stolt 1900-2001 100 American Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska[208] John Ward Studebaker 1887-1989 102 American Commissioner of Education (1934-1948)[209] Henrik Svensen 1904-2007 103 Norwegian MP[210] Ali TanrÄ yar 1914-2017 103 Turkish politician[211] Lars Erik Taxell 1913-2013 100 Finnish politician and legal scholar[212] Maris Harvey Taylor 1876-1982 105 American politician[213] Theodore Cooke Taylor 1850-1952 102 Longest-lived MP[214] Maurice Thatcher 1870-1973 102 American Congressman from Kentucky and Military Governor of the Panama Canal Zone[215] Strom Thurmond 1902-2003 100 American senator from South Carolina and one-time unsuccessful Dixiecrat presidential nominee[216] Raymonde Tillon 1915-2016 100 French politician[217] Per Tà nder 1911-2015 104 Norwegian politician[218] J. Randolph Tucker Jr. 1914-2015 101 American politician and attorney[219] Jane Ellen Usher 1917-2018 101 Belizean politician[220] Arna Và gen 1905-2005 100 Norwegian politician[221] Zachary A. Vane 1892-1993 100 American politician[222] Telmo Vargas 1912-2013 100 Ecuadorian politician, acting president (1966)[223][224][225][226] Anne Vermeer 1916-2018 101 Dutch politician, MP and mayor[227][228] Anton Vratu... a 1915-2017 102 Slovenian politician and diplomat, prime minister (1978-1980) and Yugoslavia's ambassador to the United Nations (1967-1969)[229] John A. Walker 1912-2012 100 American politician from Iowa[230] David Wark 1804-1905 101 Canadian senator T. K. Whitaker 1916-2017 100 Irish economist, politician, diplomat and civil servant[231] Cornelius Wiebe 1893-1999 106 Canadian MLA from Manitoba[232] Francis Drake Willmott 1904-2004 100 Australian politician[233] John Wingblade 1883-1984 101 Canadian politician[234] Jim Wiwa 1904-2005 100/101 Nigerian tribal chief (Ogoni)[235] John S. Wold 1916-2017 100 American politician[236] Bernard B. Wolfe 1914-2016 101 American politician[237] Lester L. Wolff 1919- 101 American politician for Long Island, New York[238] Xu Jiatun 1916-2016 100 Chinese politician and dissident[239] Katsumi Yamauchi 1911-2012 100 Japanese politician[240] William Young 1912-2012 100 Australian politician in the Parliament of Tasmania[241] Joseph Zeller 1918-2018 100 American politician, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1971-1980)[242] Zhang Jieqing 1912-2015 102 Chinese politician and writer[243] Zhang Jingfu 1914-2015 101 Chinese politician[244] Zhang Qun 1889-1990 101 Chinese politician[245] John C. Zimmerman Sr. 1835-1935 100 American politician and mayor of Flint, Michigan[246] Xenophon Zolotas 1904-2004 100 Greek prime minister[247]


Research in Italy suggests that healthy centenarians have high levels of both vitamin A andvitamin E and that this seems to be important in causing their extreme longevity.

Other research contradicts this, however, and has found that this theory does not apply to centenarians from Sardinia, for whom other factors probably play a more important role.

A preliminary study carried out in Poland showed that, in comparison with young healthy female adults, centenarians living in Upper Silesia had significantly higher red blood cell glutathione reductase and catalase activities, although serum levels of vitamin E were not significantly higher.

Researchers in Denmark have also found that centenarians exhibit a high activity of glutathione reductase in red blood cells. In this study, the centenarians having the best cognitive and physical functional capacity tended to have the highest activity of this enzyme.

Other research has found that people whose parents became centenarians have an increased number of naà ve B cells. It is well known that the children of parents who have a long life are also likely to reach a healthy age, but it is not known why, although the inherited genes are probably important. A variation in the gene FOXO3 A is known to have a positive effect on the life expectancy of humans, and is found much more often in people living to 100 and beyond - moreover, this appears to be true worldwide.

Men and women who are 100 or older tend to have extroverted personalities, according to Thomas T. Perls, the director of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University. Centenarians will often have many friends, strong ties to relatives and high self-esteem. In addition, some research suggests that the offspring of centenarians are more likely to age in better cardiovascular health than their peers

(Article changed on December 15, 2020 at 15:29)

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