If twenty percent of voters or less voted for Gore or Kerry, then eighty percent of voters voted against. These elections weren't "squeakers" at all. It’s far worse than you might expect. Twenty percent of voters were moved to get off their well-upholstered asses and go out to pull a lever, fill in a circle, or impregnate a chad for the bozo in the white house, but sixty percent cared so little whether we had a serious minded, heroic, brilliant, and decent person in the top job–or a clown–that they gave us Pennywise straight out of Stephen King’s weirdest novel.
That sixty percent needs to be stripped of their worldly possessions, given one-way tickets to nations where voting isn’t even allowed, and encouraged neither to call nor write. We need to associate infinite shame, indignity, perhaps even criminalty with this sort of indifference, an enormity that dwarfs driving a car packed solid with crippled infants while blindfolded, drunk, and texting on a cellphone.
If you are friends with someone who couldn’t be bothered to vote, then you have one too many friends.
Why will we object to child molesters living among us when we blithely allow the criminally indifferent to live almost like normal human beings, making a mockery of the sacrifices of our forebears, ourselves, and even our children have made to give us this right.
(Allow me to introduce you to those guys--and increasingly gals--in wheelchairs slowly drinking themselves to early graves to put behind them the things they have seen and done to ensure Americans another generation of choice. These our our children--yours and mine.)
Move the nonvoters out of their homes and jobs and put the vets in there. Let the nonvoters live under bridges if they won’t willingly leave the country.
If we have to house drug dealers, whores, and rapists, we need not show any such mercy to the nonvoter.
If I must explain further, I shall be forced to spit blood upon the berber, and thus for the sake of decency, I shall say no more.