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Trump: I'm the only one that matters!

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Marcello Rollando
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It's Not the House but Who Occupies It
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My father's siblings were often admonished by my Grandmamma with, Sundays are for good news, Mondays for bad. Yet, Sunday's news was bloodied by gun violence against Americans asking for hope, seeking peace and now knocking at Heaven's door.

However, even in tragedy, we transcend loss with generosity, void with reason, lack with plenty and political pretense with TR's, Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.

America, like Americans, tends to lose its sense of balance, justice and human decency when the challenge of President Kennedy's Inaugural Address and the dream of unity seared in American history by Bobby Kennedy's words in Indianapolis on the night of April 4, 1968 -- a speaking event turned eulogy for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr -- are forgotten.

Yet, despite the degrading of our American Exceptionalism by those who seek to further divide and conquer us, the avalanche of empowered women has inspired a huge majority to stand together, supporting those targeted for sexual assault -- perhaps even replacing polarization with men speaking volumes.

Russian cyber weapons of mass destruction were our own bullets accentuating what we've been told to believe, by those who profit most from manipulated public opinion: Madison Ave, Wall Street, Capitol Hill, Social Media and most of all the political ads of any candidate running at any level, for anything, willing to promise everything, for our votes.

It started long before 2016, but now fear of a level playing field on steroids, guts our Democratic Republic with desperation blindly following the darkness of Cheney, Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and other Koch enterprises, like GOP Senators aiding and abetting the perforation of our American Dream.

Following November 22, 1963, the hard lines of hardliners began to curdle, and by the 21st century, clotted our objective all-inclusive thinking, paving the way to elect in 2016 an inept president colluding with alternative facts.

Nonetheless, most of us know 2017, 2018 and 2020 invite us to shake off the dust of racial hate, religious zealots and Wall Street government collusion -- because the Good News is: our strength is found in our hope; our hope in quality education; our education in our diversity and gender equality; our equality in electing more women and Millennials -- and our transformation in embracing the strength of character to overcome our past.

Thus far, this young century has been the age of fighting a civilian Civil War, when what's needed most is a united persistence for all America promised to be.

Let me be clear, I wish Senator Bernie Sanders was president of the United States right now. The fact that he isn't, and Trump is, is as much the responsibility of the Democratic National Committee, Rust Belt Democrats, all who did not heed the Goldstar warning of Mr. Khizr Kahn and Berniecrats voting for unwinnable write-ins -- as it is the fault of the malice aforethought of Evangelical Republicans duped by a Russian hacked lover of Putin and the Hard-RightWhite Supremacists Tea Party residue of Bannon's isolationism disguised as America First.

Now own it!

And for the sake of our children, our economy, our National Security and International respect of nations -- wake up, and vote like we've learned America's most humanitarian life lessons:

  • Eventually we will elect a Congress not owned by the NRA. Only question is, how many innocents must be shot to death before we do.
  • It is our job to be the ball and chain of truth, Trump endures
  • I have one of the greatest memories of all time Trump is trumped by an administration chanting, I don't remember
  • The memory of DNC Chair Donna Brazile may win the marathon with Clinton campaign staffers
  • Without wisdom, Democrats will continue using the club of perfect to beat the good out of winning for a population yearning to breathe free atop a pragmatic Liberal FDR & JFK infrastructure providing a renewal platform for Bobby and Bernie.

Let's let go of fair-weather Democrats, bigots' pretend patriotism and yes, Roland Martin v Obama OFA, and embrace the good news that is America: you cannot fool all the people all the time.

(Article changed on November 8, 2017 at 03:19)

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Communications consultant and ghost writer for progressive political organizations, causes and candidates. Text/content contributor, script doctor, rewriting/editing political speeches and theatre scripts, screenplays, teleplays and other creative (more...)
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