The quote below by William Kunstler is perfectly appropo to what is occurring in North Dakota right now. But America is even worse now than it was in Kunstler's time because of a state-sponsored, corporate-controled massive, media blackout. We should not forget when Trump (Obama with a backbone) takes over that this outrage began on Obama's watch.
When Obama passes the gauntlet to Trump, the stage will have been set to take things even further. With only weeks left in office he suggests that "fake news" should be stopped. What do you think? Do you think the alt-right (Fascists) will like Obama's idea? Do you think they will like to stop news stories they don't like? Do you think they will continue Obama's policy of jailing journalists and arresting and torturing whistle blowers? Constitution or not, censorship of any sources that are not approved by the Secret Government will be legalized. Thank you Mr. President.
"And that's the terrible myth of organized society. That everything that's done through the established system is legal. And that word has a powerful psychological impact. It makes people believe that there is an order to life and an order to a system. And that a person who goes through this order and is convicted has gotten all that is due him and therefore society can turn its conscious off and look to other things and other times. And that's the terrible thing about these past trials that they have this aura of legitimacy an aura of legality. I suspect that better men than the world has known and more of them have gone to their deaths through a legal system then through all the illegalities in the history of man. Six million people in Europe during the Third Reich, legal, Sacco and Vanzetti, quite legal, the Haymarket defendants, legal, the hundreds of rape trials throughout the south where black men were condemned to death all legal, Jesus legal, Socrates legal and that is the kaleidoscopic nature of what we live through here and in other places because all tyrants learn that it is far better to do this thing through some semblance of legality than to do it without that pretext."
William Kunstler
The Sane Progressive, Debbie, believes that we may be better off with Trump as President than we were with with Obama (How dare she?) She has eloquently and passionately explained the poison, the cancer that Obama has been to the American people. The latest hypocrisy of calling November "Native American Heritage Month" while at the same time winking at the atrocities in North Dakota is typical. By his duplicitous proclamation, he puts up a false flag. He will serve as a lightning rod. On the one hand the neo-Fascists and White Supremacists and Christian Supremacists will condemn him as un-American. On the other, neo liberals will take up the gauntlet against the the neoFascists and White Supremacists and Christian Supremacists, instead of showing up in North Dakota. As Debbie explains so eloquently, Obama and the Democrats sooth their consciences with sweet talk" they can feel comfortable as they stuff themselves with tryptophan and fall asleep sweet dreaming, while the Water Protectors are attacked, threatened, and jailed. That is the poison of identity politics" brilliant!
The Sane Progressive's website address is here. All Americans should subscribe to it.
Here's an original idea -- let's declare 2017 Native American Heritage YEAR, and give the proclamation some teeth. Let's vow that for an entire year (is that too much to ask?) we will honor the treaties we made with them. What do you think?