'The Cult Of Trump' And How It Came To Be Steven Hassan, mind control expert and mental health professional, joined Adam Reilly, in for Jim Braude, to discuss his new book The Cult of Trump.
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What policies or programs do Republicans promise to pass to benefit middle class Americans, if they they get majorities in the next election? Donald Trump benefited from over $5.5 billion of free media exposure before the 2016 election. This was more than all other candidates combined.
With his free TV time Trump created a nationwide destructive secular cult of maybe millions of followers. When some rally now and say they still support Trump, they are only testifying, witnessing the "miracle" of their faith. The few heavily armed paranoids among them are a threat. But cultist "testimony" from crisis actors, role players, is worthless even as a future vote predictor. "Republican Party" is a brand with billions of dollars of advertising behind it. If a few more incumbents courageously voted for the Democrats "build back better" budget bills it might not even cost them their elections.
Liar propagandists continue to hurl old brickbats "liberal," "communist," "socialist" at others. There is a forgotten, particularly Anglo - American philosophical basis for "build back better" benefits. It is Utilitarianism and Pragmatism. They urge the "Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number with each person counting for one and none counting for more than one." These principles dictate constitutional benevolent action. Cheapjack, skinflint, austere federal government damages life itself and our pursuit of happiness.