Barack Obama thanks NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen NATO Summit
(Image by Chad J. McNeeley/Released)) Details DMCA
Chicago, May 2012 - NATO's top military leaders, representing the now centuries old world rule by private investment banking, make a pathetic and pompous photo-op show of a supposedly tactical decision, to give up murdering Afghani citizens in their own country's homes, villages, cities and countryside after 2014.
A smiling Quisling Afghan president Karzai, installed with phony elections under murderous occupation of his country by the high-tech military of almost the entire industrialized (white) world is prominently seated along side NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Supreme Allied Commander Europe.[ New York Times ]
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One can't forget that CNN video of the NATO Secretary General explaining to us so clinically and chillingly reminiscent of SS officers portrayed in World War Two movies, that the tens of thousands of NATO bombing sorties in Libya caused little or no civilian casualties.
To make it look more like an official space-age planetary governing body than a gang of white collar criminals with homicidal intent, the conference hall is filled with an august circle of fifty delegate desks, each with the name of the country clearly indicated, as if to impress how very many nations are willing to share the responsibility for ten years of manslaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children in very their own beloved country.
If Barack Obama had been tried under Nuremberg-Principles on that same day in Chicago, the maximum leader could have spread his arms wide with lifted shoulders indicating in his defense that as everyone can plainly see, the genocide is, a multinational war crime atrocity in which he merely participates in as coordinator.
Whereas the President's opening remarks click here in Chicago , were largely congratulatory pleasantries with little reference to pre-announced plan to withdraw all troops by 2014, the President's Remarks on Afghanistan War Troop Withdrawal as released by the White House, June 22, 2011 almost a year ago sought to justify withdrawal for the successes achieved:
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We are aware of the truth of wire services reports over the past ten years, that NATO (mostly US Armed Forces), with all it thousands of troops and space-age death delivery systems, have only succeeded in exercising a varying amount of control over cities in Afghanistan and less than half of Afghanistan's land area.
This boasting of military achievements in Afghanistan sounds familiar. After fifteen years of suffering more or less the same defeat in Vietnam, though throwing the equivalent of a 9/11 on the Indochinese population every month for fifteen years and having paid the French Colonial Armed Forces to do it for eight years earlier, the US and its European allies were driven out. In the end the only military achievement in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia was having brought death to between three and five million human beings for daring to oppose US-European neo-colonial military occupation and the corrupt and undemocratic government it had forced upon Vietnam.
The final military body-count achievement for Afghanistan will be more difficult to figure, for deadly terror began thirty-two years ago with Jimmy Carter's arming and training fundamentalist hill tribes intent on preventing their daughters from going to schools of the women liberating socialist government in Kabul. The CIA secretly funded a civil war to frighten the Soviets into making the mistake of intervention, and then invited in fundamentalist Arabs like Osama bin Laden and paid them to fight the Russians. After eight years the Russians left, defeated by CIA Stinger missiles, Arab and war load led attacks aided by CIA allied secret services from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. For the ensuing years of war among the US backed war lords, bombarding cities, raping women and stealing everywhere the Taliban [Students of God] movement was born to restore civil society, protect women, restore public services and peace. Only after a few years respite came the US post 9/11 US bombing, invasion and ten years of occupation war on all Afghanistan on the pretext of a refusal to extradite Osama bin Laden without evidence or trial.
Hold your head in your hands as you listen to the usual preposterous claims of yet another American president representing the elite criminal leadership of the wealthy white world's investment community declare that after ten years, "our forces" have broken the momentum of the Taliban."
Just so, do some of us remember hearing Lyndon Johnson testify to 'our gains in the war against the Godless Vietcong,' (viciously attacking our half million troops sent to save people not ready to govern themselves from trying.)
Those of us old enough remember as well US troops, planes and ships and/or covert operating CIA saving Greeks from Greek socialists;
- saving Koreans from uniting their nation after the US, having previously recognized their country as territory of Imperial Japan for forty years, divided it and installed a dictator who would massacre of 200,000 thousand communists, socialists, union activists men, women and their children in the South (so hated he had to flee for his life after the US reinstalled his government. The history of his dictatorship has been expunged from South Korean schoolbooks).
- saving Iranians from their first democratic (oil nationalizing) government;
- saving Guatemalans from a democratically elected but US business uncooperative government;
- saving Congolese from their popular first president to then suffer millions of lives taken under a brutal and corrupt US and Belgian installed dictator;
- saving Cubans (unsuccessfully), from revolutionary Cubans who chased away a US backed dictator;
- saving Lebanese from anti-Israeli Lebanese;
- saving Brazilians from a beloved popular president of the people;
- saving Bolivians from being free of their generals;
- saving Chileans from a popularly elected socialist president;
- saving Dominicans from Dominicans demanding their elected President back;
- saving Panamanians from a CIA-payrolled-agent President and saving one thousand of them from the trouble of living;
- saving Grenadians from independence from the US;
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