In the face of a collapsing economy (GDP fell 10.5% and inflation rose more than 40% in 2015), rampant corruption, and a parliament that is unraveling, the coup regime in Ukraine has now implemented a ban on officials from publicly criticizing the government.
Government workers are to "avoid any public criticisms of the work of state institutions and their officials," the decree reads.
"The little document ... is in the best traditions of the Communist period, more precisely in the traditions of Stalin and Beria," wrote Olena Minitch, a department head in the economy ministry.
This comes at a time when President Petro Poroshenko has an approval rating of only 17%, and Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk - who was the U.S. State Department's choice to run Ukraine - has an approval rating hovering around the 1% mark.
No word from Victoria Nuland if "Yats" is still her guy.