We the people have spoken and America has elected a new president. Regardless of how we voted, we all need to unite behind the President-elect because our common destiny is tied to his success or failure. He campaigned for big changes and he has earned the right to see if his changes will work. If they don’t, there is always the next election. As Americans, we want our president to succeed. Can you imagine saying to Vladimir Putin or Osama bin Laden, “I don’t like our new president. I want him to fail. If he fails, you will be stronger and that’s what I want.” Can you imagine saying to your fellow Americans, “I don’t like our new president. I want him to fail. I want to see our economy fail. I want to see more Americans lose their jobs and homes. I want America to fail in order to prove that I was right.”
We have just been through a long political campaign that has rubbed our emotions raw. Now we need to take a deep breath, relax, and start healing the divisions that have separated us. It’s time to stop the name-calling. We are much more than Republicans or Democrats, liberals or conservatives. We are all Americans. We all love this country and want to see it safe and prosperous. It’s time to put aside all of the false and inflammatory rumors that circulated about Obama during the campaign. We must turn away from those who would divide us. We need to stop listening to those in the media whose ratings depend on keeping us angry and divided.
On a very serious note, I want to voice my deep concern over the hate speech and the veiled threats that I have heard made against our next president by some in this country. This kind of language is not only dangerous; it is fundamentally un-American. America is not some banana republic where we shoot our political opponents. Here in America we use the ballot box, not bullets, to resolve our political differences. As Americans, we must stand united against these bigots and not allow the hatred that poisons their souls to infect us.
Our nation faces huge challenges both at home and abroad and our new president needs our support if we are to respond successfully to these challenges. However, with these challenges come tremendous opportunities, and I know we will come together to carry this great nation forward. As Barack Obama said on election night:
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there.
Our United States of America will endure and move forward by all of us standing together as the united people of America. All of us can be proud that this election has transformed America’s view of itself and the world’s view of America. We have finally proven that we can judge people based on their character instead of their race. Let us go forward into the future as one nation united behind our new president.