Hundreds of fascist colonialists storm Al-Aqsa mosque compound led by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and fellow Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf and the mob conducted "prayers" in the mosque compound in the most flagrant violation of this third holiest site for muslims (after Mecca and Medina). And Israeli paper Haaretz reported on widespread use by Israel of Palestinian civilians as human shields. The beliefs that drive this chauvinistic colonial system can be illustrated here two examples But the Muslim puppet leaders appointed by the West still support Israel covertly and overtly. Shame on them.
Ten months after the large scale war on the people of Gaza, the apartheid colonial regime targets hospitals, schools, journalists, residential buildings, and even people in prayer. Over 8% of the 2.3 million civilians in Gaza have been killed or injured. Massacres go on daily. Will Israeli criminals have impunity even as they brag about it: (on torture) and their genocidal government lies to claim that the massacres of civilians are to kill Hamas fighters who are "hiding among civilians." But Hamas actually is not hiding among civilians and is engaged in a very effective guerrilla warfare against Israeli soldiers (Israeli army as documented by their own video is on the other hand using civilians as shields). Examples from hundreds of videos of the real fighting that is killing many Israeli soldiers and destroying many tanks and APC's.
The charade is up and the world knows that these Gaza massacres are part and parcel of a 76 year "crusade" to destroy the indigenous Palestinians (erase us from the map) and create a Europeanized apartheid racist regime. See The Dahiya Doctrine & Israels Use of Disproportionate Force.
And there is an ongoing ecocide also.
Good News 1: American Association of University Professors Withdraws Opposition to Boycotting Israeli Universities citing free speech [For 30+ years I engaged in this boycott and had organized the first large petition of US Academics in the 1990s calling for boycott analogous to what we did with Apartheid South Africa]
Good News 2: UKs biggest private pension fund dumps $80 mn of Israeli assets.
Good action 3: Activism Oslo, Norway.
Good Action 4: Revolutionary Optimism and Student Protests: from Vietnam to Palestine!
Good action 5: Rev. Munther Isaac.
Good action 6: Rev. Allan Boesak.
Good action 7: Talking about the reality of the ongoing genocide is now mainstream. See Wikepdia's page on the Genocide.
Good action 8: There is a movement to shut down the Democratic National Convention in Chicago 21 August because the US Biden/Harris administration is still giving munitions and cover to help the genocide (hence partner in crime).
There is a spiral down for the Zionist project. Self inflicted/suicide? Is there any price too high to pay (in lives, economic devastation, genocide, ecocide) to keep an ethnocentric chauvinistic state. 'A logic has been created in which evil feeds on evil in a death spiral. The question is how much more carnage and misery can Israel spread on the way down.'
The answers are up to us. Yes, you and I
Stay Human/Humane and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
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