The ongoing Uranus square Pluto formation that has been shaking up our lives since mid-2012 intensifies this month when these two powerhouse outer planets move into the sixth of seven exact alignments occurring from June 2012 through March 2015.
We're almost there: Uranus and Pluto align for their sixth out of seven tough squares on Dec. 14, giving us yet another chance to change--and get things right. Uranus Square Pluto graphic
(Image by Anne Nordhaus-Bike) Details DMCAAll this time, Uranus and Pluto have sat about 90 degrees away from each other, forming a difficult angle called a square in astrology. When they become precisely 90 degrees apart, their square relationship is said to be "exact." We will experience the sixth exact square at 11:15 p.m. CST on December 14 (5:15 a.m. Greenwich time on December 15).
This cycle of squares gives us the timetable for difficult yet necessary changes that must occur during this period in human history. Having reached the sixth stage, we can consider ourselves "almost there" and take this already introspective time of year to look back on how our lives have changed and what remains to be done before we begin a new spiritual year at the equinox this March.
Note: this article is the sixth in an ongoing Uranus square Pluto article series. See the end of this article for links to the five earlier articles.
Uranus in Aries - Be Brilliantly Yourself
Uranus has occupied Aries since March 2011. In this sign, Uranus is asking us to examine who we really are (Aries), to accept our genius and uniqueness (Uranus), and to reclaim our freedom so we can express ourselves fully and aspire to become our best selves.
Pluto in Capricorn - Be Utterly Soulful
Pluto has been in Capricorn since November 2008. In this sign, Pluto is asking us to examine why we're really here at this time in humanity's development and what we're called on to contribute. To succeed, we must claim our true power (Pluto) by letting our souls lead the way. Doing so will hasten our spiritual evolution and show us our inner depths so we can see the truth and re-invent all structures (Capricorn)--especially large organizations--to serve the highest good.
Uranus and Pluto Together: Constant Change
By now, we've all become familiar with constant change on almost every level of our lives. Each time Uranus squares Pluto, we have a powerful opportunity to break through old obstacles and enter a new and better phase.
The work feels so difficult, however, because a square aspect in astrology forces changes upon us, often with difficult inner tensions and outer struggles that push us to feel deeply as we figure out new ways to combine volatile planetary energies.
How have you done? What roadblocks have you been able to blast through? How are you freer? How are you more true to your real self? Also, how much more in touch have you become with your deepest spiritual urges? How have you allowed your soul to express itself in your daily life?
Look Back at Earlier Squares: How Have You Done?
Take a moment now to look back over your journal, calendar, or diary to see how the previous five Uranus square Pluto experiences affected you. Also, think about how your life is different now than it was in early 2012:
Part One: 24 June 2012
Part Two: 19 September 2012
Part Three: 20 May 2013
Part Four: 1 November 2013
Part Five: 21 April 2013
Give yourself a mental pat on the back for all your efforts since mid-2012, all you've endured, and all you've survived. Also, honor the ways you've managed to find happiness and contentment even in the midst of great change.
What Do You Have Left To Do?
Then think about the areas of your life you still want to change and jot down what comes to mind. Now is your chance to see how to finish the changes you know you absolutely must make in order to move forward as the "real you" doing your true work in this lifetime.
Firing It Up: Sagittarius Meets Uranus and Pluto
This sixth Uranus square Pluto formation is the first one to happen while the Sun occupies a fire sign, giving us a unique opportunity for inspiration because the fire signs connect us with our passion and the very spark of life.
Currently, the Sun is in Sagittarius, an adventurous sign that seeks wisdom through experience and expanded consciousness. Sagittarius also asks, "Why?" In other words, this sign always wants to understand the meaning or higher purpose behind any undertaking.
That makes this a great time to get passionate for change. It's also a perfect time to remember why we're in the middle of such a difficult transition. If you've struggled over the past two and a half years, consider that:
. If you're here now, your soul elected to be part of this great change
. We're all working to birth something new: a "more perfect" world that allows us to express our best in order to assist others
. We're in this together, and we need everyone to join in this grand effort
. We succeed when we embrace "unity in diversity." That means each person has the courage (Aries) to be a unique expression of dazzling light (Uranus) and that all the lights combine to create something big (Capricorn) that's infused with the soul's depth (Pluto).
We Have Some Help: Mutual Reception
Some special planetary formations are in play right now to help us with this sixth Uranus square Pluto adventure. We currently have not one, not two, but three mutual receptions in the sky.
In a mutual reception, two planets each occupy the sign ruled by the other planet. Mutual reception adds emphasis to the planets involved as well as their signs, giving us a kind of double-ended arrow or pointer between them. Planets in this type of relationship act as helpers to each other, making it easier for us to notice their energies and to make good use of them in combination.
Here are the three now in the sky:
. Pluto sits in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and Saturn sits in Pluto-ruled Scorpio. So Pluto can help stodgy, sometimes materialistic Saturn to dig deeper and be more soulful. Saturn can help obsessive, sometimes even compulsive Pluto stay on track with taking practical steps toward worthy goals. Lasts until December 23
. Uranus sits in Mars-ruled Aries and Mars sits in Uranus-ruled Aquarius. So Uranus can help impulsive, impatient Mars remember to act only from the soul's electrical inspirations. Mars can help erratic, detached Uranus remember the importance of passion. Lasts until mid-January
. The Sun sits in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and Jupiter sits in Sun-rules Leo. So the Sun can help big picture Jupiter focus its energies on individual identity and needs. Jupiter can help the sometimes too self-focused Sun remember its noble calling and the larger issues at stake. Lasts until December 21
Two of these planets, Uranus and Jupiter, are retrograde, meaning they appear to be moving backward in the sky. Any retrograde planetary movement invites us to go within to reflect and meditate about the planets and signs involved rather than taking action on the outer plane.
Stoke the Fire of Your Faith
Given these retrogrades, the coming Solstice later this month, and the Sun's current journey through meaning-seeking Sagittarius, we have an excellent opportunity now to slow down and look within and contemplate the meaning of life and our place in the world. Doing so can renew our passion and help stoke our inner, spiritual fire.
As you review your personal Uranus square Pluto experiences over the past two and a half years, take note of how you have met the challenges life brought you and how your efforts have helped you grow. Honor your growing ability to overcome obstacles and flow with necessary changes.
Also, December's holidays often bring questions of faith to our attention. Remember that faith in yourself and your soul's direct connection to the divine is one of your greatest powers. Leaning to trust yourself, your soul, and your experiences helps you reach that Jupiter and Sagittarius ideal: wisdom.
As you observe this month's holidays of light, remember that the true light lives within you, guiding your way forward in this pivotal moment of human history.
Wishing you an insightful month.