There is a possible event of incalculable but increasing probability, I think, of which citizens should be aware. It is that Trump's rhetoric will recruit potential assassins to kill Biden and or Harris. It has already done so. Look at the on line speech of Cesar Sayoc, Kyle Rittenhouse and Patrick Crusius. As long as Trump doesn't directly urge bombing or murder in explicit words, he would probably get away without any criminal responsibility. A military revolution is unlikely, but over time assassination attempts get more likely.
Millions of American's minds are now dominated by TV images and emotion over reason. Trump's angry lying, exaggeration, racism, has been televised endlessly because it was "good copy." Seeing is believing for a large minority. Additionally now, propaganda lying and slander have become a powerful, professional industry. According to Media Matters, a man named Richard Berman has created so many layers of fake authoritative sounding organization names concealing who funds such lies, any person or organization can anonymously use his services to publicly attack anyone. He has attacked even organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and the Humane Society and PETA.
Utilitarianism is an American philosophy much more suitable for federal governance than Fascism or Socialism. Utilitarianism offers the "Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number principle." This dictates constitutional BENEVOLENCE. Poverty, lack of sufficient money support, damages life itself and pursuit of happiness. A mute button and universal remote can be used to lock Dementors Trump, Republican "deficit hawks" McConnell, and Fox ranters out of your house. These acts will work on MSNBC and CNN too. Seeking reluctant "bipartisanship" is a bullshit excuse for delay and meager results. You can also unsubscribe from Winred and Actblue. Now make 'em do something before giving them any attention or money!!!