Death Squad Criminal Elliott Abrams
(Image by (From Wikimedia) United States Department of State, Author: United States Department of State) Details Source DMCA
Millions of American morons fervently believe Trump is ordained by God, recruited by top military brass who are "white hats" to drain the swamp, end the corruption (of Democrats), arrest the pedophiles and child traffickers (mostly Democrats) and stop the color-lovin' Obamaphiles who made this country an embarrassment and less-than-great humiliation to their red-neck trailer trash whiteness.
Central to this fanatical cult's delusion is a veritable Crusade against the evil Deep State, a new term created by the dunderheaded proto-nazis after slowly absorbing the realization that the rulers of our country are not elected officials, and upon this radical dawning of a new understanding, their immediate conclusion that they must be Democrats.
The Deep State used to be the Shadow Government, and before that the Illuminati, and before that the Military Industrial Complex (coined by a Republican). The Deep State is real, as are all their previous labels, but they are not career civil servants, FBI agents, ACLU attorneys or Socialists. They utterly transcend the stupefied, childish and brainwashed issues of party politics. They are the rulers of Money and Power. Some of them are Nazis, some are Zionists, some are Islamists, some are Evangelicals, but all are Capitalists, heart and soul.
The Cult of Trump also believes He is a Peacemaker, like Jesus, who aims to stop the imperialist wars of aggression, the globalists, the banksters, the neoliberals and their agenda of domination by debt servitude. After all, has He not shown His rebellion against debt by refusing to pay any of His own? We should not be policing the world, He says, imposing our crooked will on others like Obama and Hillary did.
Witness now, ye droogies of Trump fantasy, as He annexes Venezuela under false pretenses, witness who holds the leash on the naked capitalist pig currently disgracing the White House.
"As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we've monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world." - President Jimmy Carter
"The U.S. press doesn't tell you what Maduro has done for the poor."
(Article changed on January 29, 2019 at 15:40)