Never in history has humanity had as much ability to exchange and for each of us to taste and get immersed in cultures of people from around the world. Yet, the old inhibitions and fears get a hold of so many. A minority venture beyond their cocoon to deeply know other societies. Even fewer go to complete immersion by intermarriage, living in other societies. The number of children being raised in multicultural surroundings is increasing. And a global awakening driven by the lack of ability of elites to control the message is spreading. More humans are moved by love, life, death, suffering, and injustice. This is posing a grave danger to colonialism, Zionism, and other forms of racism. Millions are mobilizing each acting in their own capacity and their own skills. The resistance is growing. The most common chant in the ongoing demonstrations to end the genocide in Gaza strip and decolonize our world: We will not stop. We will not rest. disclose, divest. We will not stop. We will not rest. disclose, divest. Here in occupied Betlehem, we meet people of all backgrounds who came to visit and say hello to us upon return from Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and we had to answer hundreds of emails from those interested in our work. We welcome you to visit. For those of you new to this list, you can view either my blog or emails
Viva Palestina (viral song) Original swedish with English subtitles Arabic
A thought provoking conversation between Palestinian daughter and father.
More of my recent presentations about Palestine Environmental Nakba - a First Nations forum on the effects of colonisation on Indigenous Lands. Israeli regimes failure in all fronts shows it is in its last days. Palestine: a humanitarian and ecological crisis Another interview. Radio Interview on environment and colonization (done 8 May 2024) and recent Press TV. Talk at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hamilton, Aotearoa. Environmental Impact of Explosive Weapons in Gaza panel discussion. Recording here.
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
- A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
- Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director, Palestine Museum of Natural History, Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability, Bethlehem University, Occupied Palestine