I have spent many years studying psychology all over the world, because psychology and patterns of communications, mores, values, etc., vary from culture to culture. When cultures collide, each one accuses the other of being "delusional."
I am concerned that our president, Barack Obama, his financial advisors, his military and political colleagues, and the Democratic and Republican parties in general are delusional. Our national debt is out of control, there is not just talk, but threats of closing down our government. Republicans -- and some Democrats -- want to steal the money of the people from Social Security. They want to continue wars that are unwinnable because they are wars against abstractions such as "terrorism" and against "Islam" which, with 38% of the world's population, is one of the world's largest religions. They do not appear to realize that, if they continue cutting social programs in the U.S., people will have no jobs, and no money to pay for food or housing, and ultimately will be forced to turn to crime to simply survive.
Therefore, when I am told that those like Libya's Muammar Qaddafi are delusional -- as if we are not -- I am appalled at our ignorance and self-delusion. I don't know if Qaddafi is delusional or not; that is for Libyans to say, not for me nor for an amateur and weak leader like Obama, nor the Zionist lobbyist, Joe Lieberman, nor that possibly fraudulent "war hero," John McCain.
But speak out they do, while completely ignoring the situation here in the United States where we have lost so many protective Constitutional rights, where people are encouraged to carry guns, where teachers are being sacked for puny salary questions, where bankers and politicians steal billions of our tax dollars every year, where we are polluting the water supply, the air supply, drying up our rivers, driving college tuition rates up around $50,000 to $100,000 per year. Considering these facts, I am forced to ask -- WHO IS DELUSIONAL -- WHO IS LIVING IN A STATE OF DENIAL?
But remember, we are being fed nonsense and lies every day in the corporate-owned major media. The only places you can get truth is from foreign media such as AlJazeera, and on alternative websites such as OpEdnews, Information Clearing House, Today's Alternative News, and far too few others.
The major TV, radio and newspapers have all been bought by corporations who love to keep Americans in delusion; to keep the populace docile, ignorant and more easily led than sheep. Unfortunately, the truth is that Americans are like lemmings, running as fast as possible toward the edge of the cliff -- racing to their extinction.
Delusional? I don't know if Qaddafi is, except perhaps in our media, but we'd better examine our own dear leaders in both parties, take a look at our present and future situation -- and then decide who is delusional.