The reality is it does not take fifty percent plus one to make
change happen. Far fewer people are necessary. The need for 50% +1
is an illusion used to control the masses. If the people who
are oppressed are awakened, it takes a tiny fraction of 50%
If you're reading this, you've almost certainly awakened
already. Our challenge is to wake up the people who are not reading
Our challenge is to wake up liberals and democrats who think
they are able to make changes happen by voting in elections where
the candidates are chosen by corporatists in the Democratic
Our challenge is to wake up people who think that substantial
change will happen in congress, to wake them up to the reality that
congress is part of the problem-- both parties, both sides, because
in reality, they are part of the same corporate duopoly, except for
a very few exceptions.
It is time to talk reality to the people who are being hurt by
the system we have in the US, a system that is, by the way, hurting
more than 99% of Americans AND billions of people in other parts of
the world.
Every time the US does something unfair, unjust, corrupt or
wrong-- like:
-corrupted elections that are easily rigged, blocking access
to voting, allowing money to buy elections, gerrymandering
-appointing corporatists to regulatory agencies
-treating elites differently in the justice system
-providing corporate welfare, welfare for the wealthy, like
farm subsidies for estates with pet lamas, peacocks and
-abridging constitutional rights-- free speech, freedom of the
press, privacy
-arresting and abusing the press and whistleblowers
-congress abrogating and surrendering its powers, allowing the
president to start wars, allowing presidential appointees to lie to
-the executive branch grabbing more, excessive powers
-allowing obscene income inequality and no accountability for
-A president who is more loyal to corporations than to the
people who voted for him-- a president who lied, who broke his
promises, a president who conspires to pass the TPP treaty-- who
keeps it secret from congress, knowing there are enough bought
members of congress in both parties to pass it anyway.
It is not enough to vote. It is not enough to send petitions
to your members of congress. The only way the American people are
going to see their way to a future with hope is to realize they
must wake up to the fact that they are oppressed. Once they realize
they are oppressed, WE need to engage them in conversations that
enlighten and empower them, that help them see the problems and see
the ways to end the oppression.
The reality is it does not take fifty percent plus one to make
change happen. Far fewer people are necessary. The need for 50% +1
is an illusion used to control the masses. If the people who
are oppressed are awakened, it takes a tiny fraction of 50%
I am not saying people should stop voting or to stop creating
petitions to send to congress or the president. I am saying that is
not sufficient. I believe that if all you do is that, you are part
of the problem at this point. Go out and vote today.
But be assured, this vote today will change very little. When
you are the polls, tell the people who are working there that they
are not doing enough, that they need to look beyond the electoral
system, because it is so broken.
What must be done beyond voting?
Street protests, boycotts, disruption,
undermining, rejection of the system. The system, as it now
operates, is unsustainable, it is working for the plutocrats and is
broken for the 99%.
We are living in a militarized police state where freedom is a
fantasy, where justice is bought and sold, where fairness is no
longer on the table unless you can buy your way to the table.
The reality is that THEY don't play fair. They use the "rules"
to rig the game. We the people do have the power to change all of
this. But it will take enough of us rising to a new level of
action, making tough decisions which take us out of our comfort
zones. The real soldiers and real heroes fighting for the future of
the United States and the future of humanity and the planet will
not be in distant lands wearing military uniforms. They will be
activists and organizers, whistleblowers and bloggers,
investigative journalists and members of cooperatives who stand up
to the system. And they will be the awakeners-- the people who
consciously take the risk to challenge their friends and family who
are living with the delusion that the US has a working
democracy, working congress, working legal and justice system.