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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 9/18/24

War versus creating new realities

By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh  Posted by Peter Barus (about the submitter)   No comments, In Series: Reports from Palestine
Author 6967

Peter Barus
Message Peter Barus

To make it shorter, I use a referencing style so only if interested in more information you can go to the links.

The Zionist colonial carnage in our region continues in many fronts from Gaza Strip to Lebanon [1]. Yoav Litvin argues that the opposite of war is not "peace" but creation [2]. But peace is a big subject and our definition is actually a condition of sustainability of and harmony between humans and also with nature! The creation we engage in as activists and building institutions like ours (palestinenature.org) is a form of resistance not just to war but to oppression, ethnic cleansing, destruction of lives, theft of cultural heritage and more. All of this must start with decolonizing our minds (those of oppressed people and oppressors) [3]. Then it must involve truth telling. That involves challenging the myriad of lies that are told about for example what is happening in Palestine [4]. An example is that we must challenge the media and government lies told about Israeli assassination of US/Turkish citizen Aysa [5]. It includes the media blackout on the fact that a third person self-immolates in the US in protest US support of genocide [6]. Then it must be followed by actions and there are dozens of ways to act towards creation of a new reality [7].

Israeli authorities have been attacking Aid workers create new reality and that is why the war machine fights them. Israel killed 170 UN workers alone and are now restricting or denying entry of international humanitarian organizations into the Palestinian occupied territories. Many international organizations besides the UN (and UNRWA that is especially targeted) give support to people [8]. Local organizations also work diligently to build the new reality. Some governments and businesses took measures [9]. There is a growth of people dissolution with colonial zionism and finally turning towards what we Palestinians have advocated for decades: a pluralistic democratic country of its people [10]. But most of the positive energy and optimism I receive is from the amazing resiliency and beauty of our people [11].

The man from Bethlehem and the dangers of hypocrisy: Last April a man from Bethlehem visited Australia. Like an earlier man born in Bethlehem, he delivered some well-directed words that did not always settle on welcoming ears.

[1] The latest Israeli massacre and Gaza officials release lists of known victims and the Israeli regime terror attack using pagers injured 2800 Lebanese and killed 10 (many civilians including doctors and nurses who use pager).

[2] see his interview and read his take on Gaza.

[3] See our research paper on this and also see "Manufactured Water Scarcity and Mental Colonization: A Conversation with Mazin Qumsiyeh." The Free Library. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 16 Sept. 2024.

[4] See ongaza.org.

[5] New video, witnesses challenge Israels account of U.S. Activist's killing (WaPo).

[6] Aaron Bushnell.

[7] What you can do.

[8] For example Quakers have been in Gaza and the rest of Palestine since 1948 working to provide humanitarian assistance as well engage in robust programming in the US to tell about the ongoing ethnic cleansing and horrors.

[9] See bdsmovement.net for BDS successes and examples of who took measures (businesses and governments) for Palestinian rights here (interactive map).

[10] See Sharing the Land of Canaan, and one-state, and Anticipating Israels Counter-Attack: Make the One Democratic State Solution Mainstream Again by Mazin Qumsiyeh and Alain Alameddine, promotional video for article.

[11] See this to uplift your spirit.

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages Personal Institute

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