(But We Can Feed Ourselves)
Often when people hear I’m trying to “homestead” they believe I should be trying to make it a “paying proposition”.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
To have enough eggs to sell, I’d have to replace most of my fencing to make enough free range for a bigger flock. My 3 girls will soon have 4 more to keep them company and that should be enough. And actually SELLING eggs in Florida is practically a misdemeanor without some AG inspection. I mean really? To have enough to offer to my neighbors, gift to my friends and keep my children’s refrigerator full up of eggs is just enough for me.
Maybe, just maybe, if next season if I have an abundance, I’ll make a simple sign for the end of my driveway… Fresh Eggs Today! Drive Up and Beep! That would suit me just fine. I get lonely for new faces.
To actually grow enough to sell, I’d have more work than I could reasonably do alone. Selling at our Farmers Market is simply out of the question. What, I’m supposed to go with my three extra heads of lettuce, one extra cabbage? A Ziploc bag with 10 cucumbers, 50 radishes, clutching a handful of 6 sunflowers. Sheesh the GAS to get there and back would cost me more than their worth. Nah, not for me.
And going organic while a great idea is simply not practical for one little old lady to manage. I successfully do companion planting, and Marigolds are just as precious as can be.
Some wise soul suggested Fish Emulsion. I wonder just how much THAT costs. I’ll get back to ya on that later, you betcha.
No, I don’t coat my veggies with chemical pest control, but I need some help in the fertilizer department. I recently discovered that the University Dairy Farm in Hague will use a back hoe to load up all the cow manure you can carry. HOOO OOOOH FOR JUST 10 DOLLARS! And I’m gonna get some, soon, but HEY! Whose going to help me move it from my little truck to the gardens? Anybody? Crickets, crickets….
I suspect I’ll have to “GUILT” one of my sons to wheelbarrow it all to the back. Damn, should have made that side gate waaaaay wider. Hmmmnnn… maybe if Hubby gets laid off again? NOTE TO SELF: Find instructions on how to make a gate.
Somehow, what I’m actually trying to do, seems alien to the Advice Givers. I get suggestions like…. Just fence in your back acre with goat proof fencing (EXPENSIVE) and raise a few meat goats. Oh Yeah? And where would I get a free livestock trailer? And maybe some kind soul will give me a goat's lifetime supply of appropriate feed? Just how much water do they drink, ya think? Oh, and do I have to sleep with a vet for free services? Not that any vet would actually want me, but it’s about all I’ve got in trade goods.
Still considering milk goats. The wee pygmy kind. Just enough milk for daily use, and maybe a stab at goat butter. I do have a blender, which I’m told works quite well.