Can we talk?
Okay, BuzzFlash started in May of 2000 because of disgust with two things: 1) the lack of a backbone in the D.C. Democratic poobah leadership, and 2) the stenographic regurgitation of Republican talking points by the corporate mainstream media.
With a decade of rabble-rousing dust behind BuzzFlash, little has changed. The Democrats in D.C. still act like they lost the war with the GOP and are suing for peace, and the corporate mainstream media still believes its role is to protect the status quo. Billions of dollars are spent, through advertising to promote mostly unneeded consumer products, to force feed the masses a prism on the world that represents the financial and governing interests of the ruling global corporations who own Big Media.
Take the corporate media reaction to the young reporter who dethroned Obama's losing commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal. All the Rolling Stone journalist -- and a real one at that -- did was report the truth. Now, that right there is the breaking of a cardinal corporate rule among the anchors, mega-corporation print reporters, and expensively coiffed and paid "reporters" on cable and network "news." The kid wasn't a "real journalist" to them; he was a rookie who thought that he was actually supposed to uncover the truth, instead of covering it up to protect the interests of the elite status quo, of which the decision makers and "branded" reporters are members.
One major news network
star reporter accused the Rolling Stone journalist of being
unpatriotic. Hmmm, a general and his staff mock and deride the
Commander in Chief, a violation of the military code of conduct and a
direct threat to the balance of powers in the United States, and these
air-head, lavishly paid media lackeys consider it unpatriotic to reveal
the truth.
Of course, the other side of the corporate transcriber
argument is that they can't afford to "burn their sources" by reporting
the truth, otherwise they would lose inside access to "reporting" the
propaganda B.S. that they are fed by these same sources, and this could
threaten their "journalistic" careers. Huh? Why don't they just shovel
horse manure on a farm somewhere, because it amounts to the same job,
and if they do it well, they might get promoted to doing it in an
air-conditioned barn.
It's the outlook of the corporate mainstream media, which is really a few PR firms working on behalf of global corporate governance, that has helped make Afghanistan America's longest and prima facie unwinable war. In fact, most corporate media now pretty much ignore Iraq and Afghanistan, as if benign neglect is the best thing for the increasing death toll of GIs, civilians, opium addicts, rampant corruption, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and a government story line shot full of holes.
Real journalists who aren't yet corrupted by the lure of wealth try to uncover the truth. But those who climb the ladder of fame and high salaries of the corporate media learn quickly that their jobs are to cover up the truth, and our nation suffers grievously for it.
Members of the corporate mainstream media, you truly deserve to be named the BuzzFlash Media Putzes of the week.