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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 3/22/20

We Should All Be Seriously Re-Prioritizing Our Lives And Our Thinking Right Now

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Caitlin Johnstone
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From Caitlin Johnstone Website

Mushroom cloud
Mushroom cloud
(Image by YouTube, Channel: FXhome)
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Imagine if you looked out your window tomorrow morning and saw a mushroom cloud growing on the horizon.

What do you imagine your first thoughts would be?

Do you imagine you'd think to yourself, "Man I wish I'd spent more time arguing with Tulsi Gabbard supporters on the internet"? Or "I wish I'd devoted more of my mental energy to what a d*ckhead Dale from accounting is"? Or "Maybe I can call my sister and get in one last passive-aggressive jab at her for thinking she's better than me all these years"?

Now, this pandemic is of course not the same as a nuclear holocaust. It will not kill all of us, or even most of us. But it does appear likely that, for better or for worse, it's going to change the world in some pretty significant ways.

Which means that we are taking a giant leap into the unknown, which can feel like a kind of death. And, since we are all taking that leap together, it can feel like we're all about to die.

When you're standing on the brink of a history-shaping global paradigm shift, if you're really consciously experiencing the reality of your situation instead of dissociating and compartmentalizing away from it, you will necessarily have to re-evaluate your priorities. Your priorities in life. Your priorities in thinking about your world. What really matters when you're about to take the plunge into the Big Unknown.

The daily update from @jburnmurdoch@FT for #COVID19 deaths and cases (log scales)
US Deaths keeps looking worse, steeper, more marked divergence from South Korea
US Case curve now worst of all, altho more difficult to interpret w/ testing only ramping up now (2 months too late) pic.twitter.com/jCPJ7yUmfi

Eric Topol (@EricTopol) March 20, 2020

The contradiction between knowing that extreme measures are obviously needed in order to contain the virus but doing so means giving awful states like the US & UK sweeping powers that they will definitely misuse & likely make permanent is extremely hard to reconcile and process.

Louis Allday (@Louis_Allday) March 20, 2020

Humanity's Salvation Will Necessarily Look Like A Leap Into The Unknown

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Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. Rogue journalist, poet, illustrator, utopia prepper, and proudly 100 percent reader-funded through Patreon (more...)

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