CREDO, the mobile phone company sent emails encouraging us, the People, customers of theirs or not, to send a petition to President Obama and Congress:
"We ought to confront the fact that our system of government faces a grave crisis. We deserve a country where our elected officials are not bought and paid for by Big Business. But last week's Supreme Court decision in the case Citizens United vs. FEC overturned over a century of precedent and opened the floodgates for unlimited amounts of corporate money to flow into our political system. Shockingly, the court's decision may even allow foreign corporations and large multinationals to manipulate our elections. Progress on any issue we care about depends upon our ability to stop the corporate takeover of our electoral process. If we do nothing, this ruling has the potential to undermine the very foundation of our democracy."
We need to stop the corporate takeover of our electoral process.
Your message to President Obama and the Congressional leadership:
We cannot have a government that is bought and paid for by huge multinational corporations. We need a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I support Rep. Alan Grayson's "Save Our Democracy" platform. Put the full power of your office behind these six simple reforms to stop corporations from taking over our democratic process.
That court decision is historically wrong and shows the extent of politicization shown by the court (7 of whom were appointed by the Rep Party) and I believe the majority of whom are Catholics. If not blocked, we will not have seen the unintended consequences, and the evil effect it will have on our politicians and public. Our democracy is flawed, but we will witness something incredibly pernicious when the Corps and probably the foreign corps spend hundreds of millions defeating good bills and promoting bad bills.
I am not a Credo customer and don't intend to become and I do hope that this is not a mere "phishing" expedition. Thanks for voting.