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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 6/8/21

Welcome to Progressivism Joe, Get Ready to Fight

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Marc Ash
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From Reader Supported News

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden
(Image by US Department of State)
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The cautionary mantra by progressives as your campaign for the presidency unfolded was, "He's no Progressive." A justifiable conclusion based on the totality of your body of work in public service.learly, now you've changed. Life forces us to pay a price for being alive and for you the price has been high. You have converted your pain into compassion for others, which was the best you could have done. You can't be defined as a progressive yet, but you are really trying, and that counts for a lot.

The first thing you need to know about progressive activism is that it's a thankless job. You don't get rich, you rarely get a pat on the back, and the road goes up the wrong side of the mountain. But there's never any doubt that you're going in the right direction, and you always know it's worth it to try.

Some Advice

Be uncompromising. Men and women who accomplish great things normally are. Sticking to your guns inspires dedicated support, and you'll need plenty of that.

Things don't change for the better because they should. Good changes come about as a result of determination and perseverance with a little luck thrown in. Stick with it and stay on it, always.

Maya Angelou famously said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." You know Mitch McConnell well. When he says, "100% of my focus is on stopping this new administration," you can be certain that he means it. All retroactive posturing aside. The bipartisan thing is a bluff. At some point, you're going to have to call it. Don't wait too long.

Of Broken Eggs and Omelets

The agenda you have articulated has won you a surprising degree of public support across a wide political spectrum. That's the most valuable political currency you can have. Let 'er rip. Don't hold back waiting for a cordial invitation from your detractors. It's not coming.

2022 is coming. The conventional political wisdom is that "getting stuff done" leads to good outcomes in national elections. Perhaps. But giving the voters an agenda and a vision they can embrace with their hearts and minds matters a great deal too. Stay true to your vision. Eggs may get broken, but omelets will get made.

Stay the course. Kick ass. You'll win.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News

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Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, now the founder, editor and publisher of Reader Supported News: http://www.readersupportednews.org

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