Every day I flip on a news channel, hoping to see some journalism. I'm usually disappointed. Most of the time I see, from the major news networks, junk news.
If there's going to be a conversation about "Fake news," there should also be a conversation about junk news, the main product the #MSM delivers
What is junk news? It's a regurgitation or creation of distractions that take us away from the real problems we face in the world.
As I write this, CNN obsesses over the latest "bombshell" about Bill O'Reilly. Before that, there's a huge amount of time wasted discussing Sarah Sanders remark about it being inappropriate to challenge a General.
I call that junk news. Real journalists should be talking about how the Republicans are just steps away from authorizing the elimination of the estate tax, or what I call the Dynasty tax, because it's the tax that at least puts some brakes on the creation of power dynasties like the Waltons, the Trumps, the Mercers, and so many more.
Real journalists should be talking about how the DNC cleared out all the progressives and Bernie supporters, how it is gearing up to continue business as usual for the neoliberal leaders and incumbents.
Real journalists should be investigating what's happening in Puerto Rico, not just giving anecdotal reports. They should be doing FOIA requests for instructions, emails, policy dictates. Maybe they are and it certainly can take a long time to get responses to FOIA requests. But they should, at least, be asking the questions.
Every day, the MSM should be talking about the neoliberals, exposing them for exploiting the ninety-nine percent and stealing from the commons.
Every day, the MSM should be talking about how billionaires and foreign corporations are corrupting politics.
The list could go on and on, and I hope you'll add to it in the comments.