Some rough housing at a Democratic Party convention in Nevada over the weekend shocked party leaders and the mainstream media. The official custodians of propriety demand that Sanders control his followers and denounce their actions. The double standard on this issue is simply appalling since the Clinton campaign represents failed policies that got 350,000 killed and future plans (the "no fly zone" for Syria) that will cost even more lives.
To be specific, Hillary Clinton's policies, as secretary of state, helped launch the Libyan regime change operation. To date, 100,000 Libyans are dead due to that foreign policy fiasco. Clinton was the tip of the spear for the "Assad must go" movement resulting in major support for extremist jihadist fighters attacking the sovereign state of Syria. Why? Because Assad didn't just amble off when then Secretary of State Clinton commanded him to he leave his office and nation. The death toll in Syria is 250,000.
In sum, Hillary Clinton's past policies and efforts resulted in 350,000 dead people. She is the only remaining presidential candidate with a major death toll.
Clinton supporters need to accept the simple truth that their candidate vigorously supports violent policies that caused suffering, death, and the destruction of two nations. The essence of Clinton's time in the Senate and as Secretary of State revolves around violence -- supporting the Iraq war and the attacks on Libya and Syria.
Having said that, lets look at the smear campaign against Sanders due to the actions of some outraged supporters at a Nevada convention last weekend.
From Bernie Sanders can't afford to stay silent any longer, McClatchy DC, May 19:
"Over the weekend, dozens of Sanders devotees lost their minds after the Nevada Democratic Party, meeting for its convention in Las Vegas, awarded a majority of delegates to front-runner Hillary Clinton.
"Convinced that the establishment had rigged the rules and that Sanders delegates had been excluded for unfair reasons, they booed and traded barbs with people on stage, including Clinton surrogate and keynote speaker U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer."
What's wrong with that? The Democratic Party has systematically discriminated against the Sanders campaign through any number of documented actions. DNC Chairperson, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D, FL), accused the Sanders campaign of intentionally hacking a DNC voter database and cut the campaign off from access.
Rank and file Democrats have every right to be outraged. They're finding out what Republican voters are discovering, that primary elections are just widow dressing for the ultimate will of the party leaders.
Democrats have a special anti-democracy feature that is so outrageous even Republicans shy away from it: super delegates. The party selects 719 superdelegates who can vote as they choose, without any regard to the outcome of presidential primaries in their respective states. What's that about? Isn't that a reason to be outraged?
The McClatchyDC editorial goes on to make some points that are too pathetic to even repeat with the exception of their insistence that Sanders stand up to the mob.
OK, let me get this straight. Some pissed off Sanders delegates act out at a state meeting where they think they're getting screwed and all of a sudden they're a mob. Here's the translation of standing up to the mob: smacking down rank and file citizens who have the unmitigated gall to think they have a right to be heard, to have their votes counted and to receive the respect due every single citizen in this country participating in the election process.
Hillary Clinton must apologize for the violence she perpetrated in Libya and Syria.
Hillary Clinton must retract her plans for support of more violence in Syria, particularly the insane "no fly zone" propose, and Hillary Clinton must swear that she will no longer support extremist jihadists disguised as moderates.
Hillary Clinton's supporters need a reality check about the policies of violence they endorse by supporting this candidate. They can either reject the violence their candidate or embrace it and stop whining about a little shoving and shouting in Nevada.
Creative Commons 4.0(Article changed on May 18, 2016 at 19:46)