The U.S. is a technological badass. No one doubts that. Are Americans willing to continue bombing wedding parties, and funerals in Afghanistan? Are they willing to assume the arrogance their political leaders ascribe to as yet another justification for the killing of innocent people?
Christians, who make much noise regarding the moral considerations that should govern men, are strangely silent as, "collateral damage" in the very real form of children blown apart to the extent their mothers search desperately for enough to bury, scratch their heads in apparent perplexity that such things happen in God's Earthly Kingdom before they promptly forget such inconvenient knowledge.
Elected Representatives clamor for more killings of innocent civilians as they shed crocodile tears over the horrible state of such tragedies. As usual, they are completely, right up to their newly turned brown eyes, full of, well ". Americans watch robot, Predator Aircraft, operated from far removed remote locations, as they take their bloody toll not only on innocents, but on their own consciences. They may dismiss, out of hand, such information that another dozen or more innocents were killed today, but it weighs. In ways that civilizations, through the centuries, have ignored when the manifest consequences of such arrogance inevitably lead to their own moral deprivation. Chickens, to be perfectly provincial, do come home to roost.
The thing about politicians is they don't bother accounting, in their driven effort to please, for the invariable consequences of their actions. They, whether rightly of wrongly, have the luxury of looking back and assigning blame for their failures to those who followed them, blindly or not, and ultimately appointed them as representative of their interests.
History, rife with endless accounts of human kind's inability to account for itself, whether morally or ethically, is condemning. The consummate failure of human beings to rise above themselves, is the basis of all human struggle, and is the basis for all its hope. Aliens, from other worlds, would not envy humanity its collective indifference, and incurious interest in its survival. Many earthbound human beings would like to help, but see the problem as insurmountable.
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Hollywood, Super Market Tabloids, Fox News, CNN and other sensational media keeps Americans totally enthralled to what may be, or what could have been. Moral considerations are visited upon Americans like hammer blows from the Christian pretenders who imagine they hold every American's ticket to the promised land.
Hollywood provides Americana's their moral fiber. The good guy steps over the dead guy and gets the girl. There's simple conflict, rapidly followed by a fast climax or conclusion, because making films is expensive. Hollywood is as useless as the political buffoons, in spite or its well advertised liberal, or democratic leanings. Maybe the McCarthy era still has them spooked. Whatever. Hollywood is not going to risk its cozy life style by challenging the political quid pro quo in any meaningful way.
So. It's too much for Hollywood, Disney World and all the other favorite fantasies that Americans regularly believe in as a contemporary course of events that has led them, inextricably, to their current status of unwashed, feudal peasantry.
Jesus ridin' in a sidecar. Just take 'em out and shoot 'em, and don't forget all those who are in a simultaneous conflict with the shooters and the executioners. What do you wind up with? Paranoia? Schizophrenia? Something much simpler? They let it get away, and now their screwed six ways from Sunday.
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