Since this is clearly an emergency crisis (with the prospect of a purely evil con-man and convicted felon taking over the WH in November becoming so much more ominous), I am submitting this short query I have also posted on the FB page:
Everyone (especially those dabbling in the political clown show (with its deadly potential consequences)):
Given the seeming universal agreement that Biden's disastrous performance in the "debate" last night (I am not issuing any comment on the convicted felon, rapist and barbarian), and even not being a duopoly proponent (despite being an avowed Bernie/Kucinich/Wellstone supporter), I am genuinely concerned that the crooks and practiced liars on the Maga front will double down heavily on this flop to greatly weaken the existential effort to not allow the felon anywhere near the WH.
What course of action can the Ds possibly have? Their standard insider, establishment approach is clearly hugely threatened at this point.
Should they actively recruit Gavin Newsom as JB's replacement citing JB's health issues. It may be the only worthy alternative at this time, in this system.
Also- will JB's dismal performance also affect the judicial actions against the felon? Will Judge Merchan give the criminal a pat on the wrist, thereby acknowledging him as a viable candidate? And what happens to his several other pending trials?
Major concern here. Can they (DNC, DSCC and their establishment operatives) even straighten out their course and their shipping lane prior to their Convention? Right now, this is ALL HANDS ON BOARD!!