Remember how the Bush administration complained that the Clinton Whitehouse departed leaving keyboards with keys missing? Well it looks like the Bush administration left the white house with the 21st century missing.
Dailykos' BarbinM writes, in his diary, titled White House "In The Technological Dark Ages"
Have you noticed that the new White House website has been pretty slow to update information? According to the Washington Post, there's a good reason:
If the Obama campaign represented a sleek, new iPhone kind of future, the first day of the Obama administration looked more like the rotary-dial past.
Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts. [...]
"It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said of his new digs. [...]
One member of the White House new-media team came to work on Tuesday, right after the swearing-in ceremony, only to discover that it was impossible to know which programs could be updated, or even which computers could be used for which purposes. The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. Laptops were scarce, assigned to only a few people in the West Wing. The team was left struggling to put closed captions on online videos.
Why am I not surprised?
One has to wonder. Did the Bush White House leave ancient garbage technology for the incoming Obama team? Were they actually so technologically backward they failed to update their computers in six years.
Or did they remove computers that might have records that might still have hard drives with evidence?
If the real risk of wrongdoing were not present, this would be funny. But they really should look into this. I can't believe they'd have such old garbage at the White House.