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Who are the Lurs?

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Hamma Mirwaisi
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By Hamma Mirwaisi and Alison Buckley

Logical Answers to the Question, "Who are the Lurish'?

In ancient two and half thousand years old Median statues, the Lurs and Lak people are clearly wearing the same type of hats. The hat, the names and the languages of these peoples have hardly changed since then. This indicates that the ancient Medes and the modern Kurds probably came from the Kassites (c.1500-1150 BCE). Todays Lurish people's claim that they are the non-Aryan descendants of Kassites is most likely due to the merging of all Aryan languages after the Aryan tribes conquered the entire region several hundred years later. Science has also shown that the Aryan tribes and the Kassites, Elamites and other ancient peoples are related by blood.

While still claiming descent from the Aryan Medes, the Kurds have been debating the origins of their name for a long time, and have traced it back to the era after Alexander the Great. If this is true, how did the name "Medes' become "Kurds'? Years of research now reveal the answer to the Kurdish people and others below.

Who Are the Kurds?

The name came from "Huart', which has evolved to "Kurt' and in time, "Kurd'. The confusion caused by attempts to identify the origins of the Kurdish and Lurish people requires logical analysis of the Lurish name.

Who Are the Lurish?

The word "LURISH' comes from "L-U-R-ISH' means "La U Ra-Ish', "La-U-Ra' meaning "from that road, from that place' and "Ish' meaning "fight, war, hurt'. Many Persian scholars and foreigners like Judge William O. Douglas have claimed that Lurs tribesmen were reputed to be villains, robbers and murderers who attacked and stole from anyone passing through their area.

It is highly likely that this view is part of the Persian Government's propaganda against the Kurdish Elami, Lak and Lur peoples. The name probably came from ongoing revolts against foreign domination after the collapse of the Median Empire, which continue to our time. Since then, government forces have not been able to pass through the Kurdish occupied Zagros Mountain roads without a fight. The name originated from those battles.

The Lurish are divided into two branches, one known as "Lur Fili' and the other known as "Lur Bakhtiari' ("Baxtyari').

Origin of "Lur Fili'

The Magush or Magi were Zoroastrian priests and one of the six Median tribes that formed the Median Empire. The word "magic' in English comes from "Magi' because they performed magic. "Fil' in Kurdish meant "magic', showing that part of the Lur tribe came from the Median Magi tribe, while another part of the Lur tribe came from the Saka (Scythian) tribes and other parts from Elamite tribes.

The word' fili' comes from "filbaz' or magic; the filbaz were people who performed magic. Superficially "Bakhtiar' meant "luck; "Bakhtiari' meant "luck helped you' or "lucky', but the name Baxtyari most likely described members of the Y- rs- n religion.

The word Baxtyari (Ba-xt-yari) means "they are on the path of the Y- rs- n religion' before the Safavid dynasty forced them to convert to Islamic Shi'ism.

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Hamma Mirwaisi was exposed to the oppression of Kurds while still a youth, as his education was frequently interrupted by Iraqi government harassment. Forbidden from entering university in 1968, he had little choice but to join the peshmerga (more...)

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