So let's just go over that again, shall we? -
When the banks apply their practice of 'fractional reserve lending', this enables them to invent and lend you the idea of money, which is all it is, the bait for you being the real house you need, or car or other junk that you want. So then you work to enrich the International Corporate Acquisitors, for you to earn enough to pay taxes and eat and pay interest on your loan and default when the banks adjust the interest rate, or restrict the money supply again, and the banks take your house or car or just junk, as we have recently seen.
The banks don't want property themselves, they say, well apart from the odd plum or two for 'Is Nibs or 'Is Favourite. The banks only want the money, so they are content with the interest on the fabricated illusion of debt they lent you and the residual value that they can wring from the forced- or onward-sale of your homes. And, of course, when they are stupid enough to buy delusory derivatives they are in no way averse being bailed out for free with a gift of our future money. Right.
But those who originate and lend the banks the inky notion of figures to enable the banks to practise their fractional reserve lending racket and get a margin of interest, what of them?
Ah, well, quite apart from receiving all the taxes resultant from people earning money by working, and on everything they buy, and the taxes when they die etc., receiving it all into their Central banks and so channeling it into their tax-exempt trusts, then lending your countries further ink for your infrastructures, these individuals of just one family also print and issue further fiat debt at will from their 'Central Banks' so that the 'value' of what money you have is diminished, as a form of hidden taxation and further acquisition by them. And these originators of the fiction of money are interested in real value, so their holding companies do accept 'the deeds' of your property when you have to default, and so they acquire all the real value of your real-estate and it also goes into their trusts to acquire the real planet itself and practise their dark arts of bribery and arms manufacture and wars and black ops to rid themselves of the rest of us.
So these arch-swindlers are really just using villains like the banks and fools like you to rip off the planet, because unless they offered you the idea of money with which to acquire and acquire ad nauseam, you would never dream of wanting those trashy consumables, the materials required to make them would stay in the planet, and the energy used in making and sustaining their artificially feverish society would not be used and would not be over-heating the planet. - Would it?
Presumably these 'internationals' are banking on there being enough of the planet left for them to enjoy after we have finally been eliminated, leaving them masters of all they survey, including the few million slaves whom they intend to domesticate and train to the task of serving them, together with the brutes to make sure said slaves serve exactly as per requirement, or else.
So are we stupid enough to let them do this and so let any surviving of our descendants remain their victims forever? Well, so long as we are crass fools enough to let money persist at the disposal of their decree "Permit me to issue the money of a country, and I care not who makes its laws . . . etc.", and we also need to eat the food their agents deal in, and drink the water from the companies they have bought, yes we are. But should we ever get the sense to deny ourselves any of these elements of the equation, such as letting them or the fiction of finance persist, then the scene changes for the better.
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