In the aftermath of 9/11, those in power who failed to protect the US and defend the Constitution before 9/11 used the attacks as a pretext for suppressing rights and launching wars - and they still do. Those doing so have received public support, and increased authority and budgets from the Executive branch and Congress. Whistleblowers and witnesses pointing to false statements and other wrongdoing were silenced and punished, and still are. There were limited IG and congressional inquiries, and then the 9/11 Commission. All of the Commission's members and half its staff had political, professional, personal and/or economic conflicts of interest. Its investigation and final report ignored or spun important evidence and witnesses, as well as the vast majority of the questions posed by the Family Steering Committee. Without the efforts by 9/11 families, there may not even have been the 9/11 Commission. A new book by by researcher and activist Jon Gold documents and examines all of this: We Were Lied to About 9/11: The Interviews.
Polls have found majorities of Americans believe US officials had warnings prior to 9/11 and ignored them. The 9/11 Commission documented ignored warnings, but it did not hold any individuals responsible in the US government that had been in a position to disrupt the plot. Instead, the Commission concluded, "We believe the 9/11 attacks revealed four kinds of failures: in imagination, policy, capabilities, and management." [339]
Many Americans may believe the pattern of ignored warning signs and missed opportunities by key people in key agencies and offices may have been due to incompetence or laziness. Many may accept the Commission's report as a harmless whitewash in the context of the larger issue of a 'need' to 'win the war on terror', or at least maintain 'Full Spectrum Dominance'. Many Americans don't know who's currently President. Polls have found a third of Americans believe pre-9/11 warnings were ignored to justify and fund the permanent global war on terror and domestic surveillance state. That is how 9/11 has been used by Establishment media and politicians since 2001.
There are a large number of personal and expert critics of the 9/11 Commission and the Establishment's general narrative about 9/11. Jon Gold, friend and fellow 9/11 researcher and activist, has assembled a thousand-page book from transcripts of over 30 of his podcast shows, "We Were Lied to About 9/11." There are 30 different interview guests, including myself, and Jon, also an expert on 9/11 issues.
Jon Gold has been an activist for 9/11 truth and justice from the early days following the attacks. He monitored and documented the work of the 2002 Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry, the 2003-4 9/11 Commission, and the other government and media investigations. Since that time, he has worked alone and with others, online and in person, to raise awareness and get action on issues. His work has informed tens of thousands and inspired many to take action, while disturbing others in government and media who would prefer to let sleeping dogs lie about 9/11. Even after becoming partially paralyzed in 2013 he's continued to fight for truth and justice, for the victims of 9/11, their loved ones, and all Americans and people of the world.
You will not find crazy 'conspiracy theorists' listed in the Table of Contents. You will find credible voices, people who are concerned about truth and justice, about our country and our Constitution. Government whistleblowers whose testimony contradicts the official narrative, like former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, former NSA senior executive Thomas Drake, and former State Dept officer J. Michael Springman, who was head of the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consular office. Outspoken family members of 9/11 victims, such as Lorie Van Auken and Bob McIlvaine, who watch-dogged the Commission and the Bush Administration. Researchers who documented and analyzed important evidence and exposed falsity in the official narratives, including Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Ray Nowosielski and Peter Dale Scott. Jon also secured interviews with mainstream journalists critical of '9/11 conspiracy theories' - Jonathan Kay, and Phil Shenon, whose own work also challenges the official narrative in some ways. Even US Senator Bob Graham appears - the co-chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry, who has said the JICI received evidence of Saudi Arabia responsibility for the attacks that was censored in its report and ignored by the Commission.
Jon interviewed me primarily about my work scanning and uploading the 9/11 Commission's records at and I began this work shortly after the first portion of records wasreleased in 2009. Over 8000 files have been uploaded, some of which contain dozens or even hundreds of pages. These records have been analyzed and used as sources by many 9/11 researchers, including my colleague Kevin Fenton, who blogged these:
Significant discoveries include: Documentation of military exercises surrounding and intersecting the 9/11 events which were ignored in the Commission's report. Documentation of many, many records yet to be disclosed, including an NSA retrospective on the attacks, as well as evidence of destroyed or 'lost' records. Documentation of interference in staff investigations by agency minders. Battles with agencies and the White House over access to documents. The name 'Rich Blee'; the chief of Alec Station (CIA Bin Laden unit), the man behind numerous pre-9/11 intelligence failures, in addition to being involved in Bin Laden's escape at Tora Bora, and the Bush Administration's rendition-to-torture program.