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From Asia Times
The French government is arguably helping Big Pharma profit from the Covid-19 pandemic
What's going on in the fifth largest economy in the world arguably points to a major collusion scandal in which the French government is helping Big Pharma to profit from the expansion of Covid-19. Informed French citizens are absolutely furious about it.
My initial question to a serious, unimpeachable Paris source, jurist Valerie Bugault, was about the liaisons dangereuses between Macronism and Big Pharma and especially about the mysterious "disappearance"-- more likely outright theft -- of all the stocks of chloroquine in possession of the French government. Respected Professor Christian Perronne talked about the theft live in one of France's 24/7 info channels: "The central pharmacy for the hospitals announced today that they were facing a total rupture of stocks, that they were pillaged."With input from another, anonymous source, it's now possible to establish a timeline that puts in much-needed perspective the recent actions of the French government.
Let's start with Yves Levy, who was the head of
Levy has a vicious running feud with Professor Didier Raoult -- prolific and often-cited Marseille-based specialist in communicable diseases. Levy withheld the INSERM label from the world-renowned IHU (Hospital-University Institute) research center directed by Raoult. In practice, in October 2019, Levy revoked the status of "foundation" of the different IHUs so he could take over their research.
Raoult was part of a
A minister fleeing a tsunami
Here's the timeline: On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France's Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a "poisonous substance," from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
On March 16, the Macron government orders a partial lockdown. There's not a peep about chloroquine. Police initially are not required to wear masks; most have been stolen anyway, and there are not enough masks even for health workers. In 2011 France had nearly 1.5 billion masks: 800 million surgical masks and 600 million masks for health professionals generally.
In quick succession:
The Macron government refuses to apply mass testing, as practiced with success in South Korea and Germany.
Le Monde and the French state health agency characterize Raoult's research as fake news, before issuing a retraction.
Professor Perrone reveals on the 24/7 LCI news channel that the stock of chloroquine at the French central pharmacy has been stolen.
Thanks to a tweet by Elon Musk, President Trump says chloroquine should be available to all Americans. Sufferers of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, who already have supply problems with the only drug that offers them relief, set social media afire with their panic.
US doctors and other medical professionals take to hoarding the medicine for the use of themselves and those close to them, faking prescriptions to indicate they are for patients with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Morocco buys the stock of chloroquine from Sanofi in Casablanca.
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