Nora Al-Awlaki killed as a terrorist during a U.S. Special Forces raid on her home.
(Image by Jay Janson) Details DMCA
Let's figure something out here.
It is supposed to be kind and fair not to blame the German people, as a whole, for the million-fold death and destruction throughout Europe and North Africa during the twelve years the Nazis were in power, correspondingly, not to blame Americans or the American people as a whole for the tens of million-fold death and destruction throughout the world during the more than one hundred years their financial-military-industrial-complex has ruled the USA and beyond.
Yes, ruled!
In 1932, the last aristocratic and wealthy insider US president, Franklin Roosevelt, wrote a confidential note to his close confidant Colonel House, who was President Wilson's adviser orchestrating the Federal Reserve:
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned this government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson".
Already in 1863, Abraham Lincoln said:
"The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes."
Even earlier, in 1816, Thomas Jefferson declared:
"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, already they have raised up a money aristocracy, the issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
As this octogenarian recollects, there wasn't a kind American attitude toward the German people during the Second World War war and certainly not right after the war was over, when the eye rebounding horrific photos and newsreels of piles of Jewish bodies and other Nazi victims in extermination camps and the horrible skeleton like condition of survivors of the gas chambers were seen.
In 1952, your author was drafted into the US Army and stationed in Germany as part of the occupation troops and for having made himself fluent in German, and passing for German, he got to hear many gruesome stories about how dangerous it was to be even only less than enthusiastic about Hitler during the war years. For example: after the war, your author lived in Munich while doing post grad studies at its Hochschule fur Musik. In Bavaria and Austria the age old most popular greeting is "gruess Gott" in place of good morning or good day, even sometimes used as farewell, and is answered "gruess Gott". The Nazis would replace "gruess Gott" with Heil Hitler, and citizens who were brave enough to answer with "gruess Gott" instead of answering as greeted with Heil Hitler were identifying themselves as not being a fan of Hitler nor supporting the Nazi government, and would have reason to fear retaliation.
Contrast this with the situation for Americans over the last hundred years, wherein everyone has been relatively free to express opposition to their country's bombings and invasions of smaller countries overseas.
An attitude of not faulting those Americans, who, with astounding public support, followed orders to invade, bomb and shoot people in their very own beloved countries, has held for over three or four generations and served well the investors in the extremely profitable illegal, unconstitutional and genocidal use of US and allied national armed forces and secret services like the CIA.
Americans in the military are still being told that they are serving their country in other peoples countries all around the world while in mortal combat with citizens of those countries, and that those GIs who are killed or maimed doing so are heroes. This is the standard belief fostered in America's mainstream media made up of a cartel of six gigantic entertainment information and news corporations, which also publish the books used in schools, all under the watchful eye of the Central Intelligence Agency. See 'Operation Mockingbird[1].
The rather inconsequential in number dissident and anti-imperialist organizations and intellectuals apparently do not dare challenge or denounce this hero worship of US veterans of imperialist wars. From what your archival research peoples historian has chronicled over many years of observation, the entire alternate media of the so-called Left, made up of anti-imperialists, peace and justice church ministries, war resisters, socialist historians, and eminent progressive journalists, also does not fault ordinary Americans for supporting bombings and invasions of other people's countries as Martin Luther King did. Read or listen to King's 1967 New York sermon Beyond Vietnam a Time to Break Silence (click here):
"Look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the country. This is a role our nation has taken, refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that comes from the immense profits of unjust predatory overseas investments these atrocity wars and covert violence are meant to protect."
The Left loyal opposition anti-imperialist anti-war journalism does not hail those who took part in the bombings and invasions as heroes, but neither does one find in this alternate and independent media much protest of the hero status awarded in mainstream media, nor any demand for lawful justice for victims, survivors and their tormentors. In fact, law, merciful justice, compensation, indemnity, reparations, crimes against humanity, the Nuremberg Principles, and crimes against peace are words and terms rarely, if ever, appearing in anti-war or anti-imperialist journalism. Even the simple word "crime" is indeed almost never found in journalism criticizing or condemning US foreign policies. In alternate media as in mainstream criminal media, foreign policies are not reported upon as the crimes that they really are, but rather as awesomely authoritative foreign policies within a Realpolitik as unchallengeable as the weather, even though acts within those policies bring death and destruction to millions and are continually genocidal in nature. See the legal definition of "accessory after the fact" [2].
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