The Kurdistan Communities Union or KCK (Kurdish: Koma Civakà ªn Kurdistan) is a Kurdish political organization committed to implementing Abdullah calan's ideology of Democratic Confederalism. The KCK also serves as an umbrella group for all the Apoist political parties (the political parties that are based on the Abdullah Ocalan philosophy) of Greater Kurdistan, including the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), PYD (Democratic Union Party), PJAK (Kurdistan Free Life Party), and PÃ"¡DK (Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party).
KCK is leading the entire Kurdish people to struggle for peace and freedom in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. As these lines are written down the Turkish arm forces with the help of Islamic extremist from Arabs, Turks and others including terrorist Islamic forces of Al-Qaeda, and ISIS or ISIL are waging war against peaceful Kurds in the only peaceful region of Syria in the state of Afrin-Syria.
Russian and Iran had an agreement with Turkey to carry out such unbalanced war, while the US and their ally are not doing much to stop Tukey's aggression.
The Islamic Republic of Iran becomes the local power with help of the Russian. And they are working to force out the US and EU countries out of the Middle East and part of Asia.
President Erdogan of Turkey saw the success of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebonan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, while the US was hopeless to stop such success. Israel, the US, and EU countries hoped for Islamic Sunni of Turkey and Arabs war against Islamic Shi'a increase of power in that part of the world.
President Erdogan of Turkey as the member of NATO betrayed the US and ally's hope above. President Erdogan's hatred toward Kurds drove him to seek the alliance with Russian and Iran instead of fighting Iran.
In short Turkish President Erdogan does not want to fight for Israel and the Persian Gulf countries, under the guidance of the US and EU countries. The US hopes that Turkish President Erdogan will change his mind. Here is 'SECRETARY TILLERSON'S' Opening Remarks at the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Ministerial:
'We are keenly aware of the legitimate security concerns of Turkey, our coalition partner, and NATO ally. We will continue to be completely transparent with Turkey about our efforts in Syria to defeat ISIS, and we stand by our NATO ally in its counterterrorism efforts.'
The US and its EU countries labeled PKK organization of 50 million Kurds as 'terrorist organization' to help Turkey in last 40 years. The US and Israel even kidnapped Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan for Turkey 19 years ago. And they sold Turkey every kind of weapon to be used against unarmed Kurds compared to what the Turks have in this unbalanced wars waged on Kurds in last 40 years.
The majority of Kurds are united under the leadership of Abdullah Ocalan's teaching. The Kurdish arm forces are fighting Turkey and Islamic terrorist forces as an ally of Turkey using simple weapons while the Turks and an ally of Turks the Islamic terrorist are armed with the modern weapons supplied by the US, EU countries, and Israel.
The US must seek peace between Kurds and Turkey instead of seeking to change the mind of Erdogan. To stop Iran and Russian aggression the US needs Kurdish people's support.
It is time for the US, Israel, and EU countries to recognize Kurdish people's right in Kurdistan (the occupied land by Persian of Tamil-India, Arabs of Africa, and Turks of Mongolia).
Kurdistan Communities Union
Opening Remarks at the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Ministerial