De-contamination is done when one is exposed to radiation! Why, then, were 911 'first responders' to the Pentagon de-contaminated? That they
were is not only compelling evidence that DU [Depleted Uranium] ammunition and armour-piercing technology were present, it is compelling evidence that Bush's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911 is utter bullshit! If DU was used at the Pentagon, then the fire and damage was most certainly not caused by a hijacked 757 airliner.
There is not a shred of hard evidence in support of Bush's 'official theory' which fails to explain almost everything about the Pentagon crash. A more rational explanation is required to explain the 'crash' and fire --an explanation that is consistent with observed and verifiable facts on the ground and in the photos. Facts unexplained by the 'official' theory include:
- a 16 x 20 penetration hole much too small accommodate a 757
- a punch out hole in the inner ring (too small; a soft, aluminum bodied 757 would not have made it that far anyway)
- the utter lack of even so much as a skid mark on a pristine, putting green lawn
- the fact that Ronald Rumsfeld referred to 'the missile that struck this building'
- the fact that the total debris gathered is but a small fraction of the total debris that would have been left by an airliner.
It is the job of 'theories' in law, science or forensics to explain. A 'theory' which raises more questions and issues than it explains is a bad theory --even if it is official. Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911 is not merely 'bad theory'. It's a lie.
Official FEMA photographs from the Pentagon depict what is obviously an engine rotor with a diameter estimated at about three feet, obviously from an aircraft much smaller than a 757. Only one such rotor was found.
The photographs of the 'rotor' were published in the American Free Press and, so far, no one has dared claim that it is the rotor of a 757 engine --an aircraft that we are told hit the Pentagon. The engine rotor from a 757 is about three times the size at about 9 feet in diameter. If an airliner had crashed the Pentagon, two such rotors some 9 feet in diameter would have been found. They were not found because they were never there.
The three-rotor turbine was found near insulation and part of a 'housing', evidence that it was the wreckage of a much smaller aircraft than a 757. A Global Hawk, perhaps? In any case, its presence does not support Bushco's 'official conspiracy theory'; moreover, the 'official conspiracy theory' cannot explain the presence of small aircraft wreckage. The 'official conspiracy theory' utterly falls apart.
The Pentagon was and remains among the most 'surveilled' buildings in the world. Hundreds, perhaps, thousands of frames were taken of whatever it was that crashed the Pentagon. The point is clear: the debate about what actually struck the Pentagon could have been put to rest before it began had the government -- the Bush administration -- just released all the photos that were taken that day. If Bush is annoyed because people demand the truth, he has only himself to blame. He could have confessed, given himself up and saved the nation a nightmare.
Now --if Bush is guilty, his refusal to release the photos is completely understandable! A photo of a Global Hawk, for example, is compelling evidence, perhaps a 'smoking gun', that the attack on the Pentagon was an inside job. If Bush were entirely innocent of all wrong doing in connection with 911, it would have been in his interest to release
every photograph and to have ordered a complete and thorough investigation of 911.
Only if Bush is guilty is it in his interest to 'cover it up'. He covered it up and continues to cover it up today! Draw your own conclusions.
The nail in the coffin is the fact that 911 responders were de-contaminated at the Pentagon. The official theory doesn't even try to explain that fact because it was assumed that we would never find out about it. That 911 responders were de-contaminated does two things: 1) it completely demolishes the 'official conspiracy theory'; 2) it is material evidence that whomever ordered the 'responders' had
reason to believe that dangerous radiation posed a threat to workers on the site. That the decontamination took place is evidence that they had been correct!
A 757 airliner is a civilian craft. It is not nuclear powered; it does not carry a nuclear war head or hardened nose cone. It carried no weaponry --conventional or nuclear! Had a 757 crashed the Pentagon there would have been no need to order decontamination procedures. No such procedures were carried out in New York. Clearly, 'officials' knew at the time that a civilian airliner had not crashed the Pentagon. Moreover, the only scenario that fully explains the necessity of decontamination procedures is that of a military craft crashing into the Pentagon. It is my belief that that is what happened in fact.
As I have written time and again, Bush's official conspiracy theory is full of holes. No part of it is defensible. There is not a shred of hard evidence in support of it. The 'story' itself is inconsistent. It violates Occam's Razor, raising more questions than it explains. It's a lousy theory. Even a bad theory should --at least --'sound' credible. Bush has only shock, trauma, grief and mis-placed patriotism in his defense.
By contrast, every explanation is, in fact, a theory. Theories, despite what Bush and the media would have you believe, are how both law and science proceed. A set of related facts are explained by 'theories' which must, of necessity, explain all facts. Theories inconsistent with proven facts must be discarded as false. Bush's theory explains nothing and is inconsistent with established science. By contrast, a technology called 'Global Hawk may very well explain the seemingly inexplicable events of 911 and, at the same time, point an accusing finger.
The salient feature of Global Hawk technology is that it is operated by remote control. Google 'Global Hawk'. You will find several articles about how the US outfitted a plane with Global Hawk technology and flew it from California to Australia. No human pilot! No Arab hijackers! Remote control.
America's greatest crime against humanity is radioactive genocide particularly against the children of Iraq who are the innocent victims of our illegal war, occupation and economic rape of Iraq. We have the blood of countless innocent children on our hands and it will take generations to remove the stain of our illegal and inhumane transgressions. Currently, more than 50 percent of Iraqi cancer patients are children under the age of 5, up from 13 percent. Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to play in areas that are heavily polluted by depleted uranium.
--America's greatest crime is radioactive genocide
The most obvious holes in Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911 are connected with two buildings: WTC-7, ordered 'pulled' by Larry Silverstein; and the Pentagon where the 'debris' recovered doesn't add up to a 757 airliner which would have left behind several times the wreckage that was, in fact, recovered! [See:
911 ] The single engine 'rotor' that was found was only three feet in diameter. If a 757 had struck the Pentagon, two engines with rotors of about 9 feet in diameter would have been recovered. In fact, no other Pentagon wreckage was ever traced to an airliner of any sort.
The main reason for using "dense" or "heavy metal" in new version hard target bombs and cruise missiles is the increased kinetic energy available for an existing delivery system. High density metal (DU is 2.4 x heavier than Iron) means that the same weight length penetrator can be smaller diameter. This is important because new upgrades have to fit the same size missile bodies or bomb dispensers. See the FAS site Research data on ground penetration weapons relates penetration effectiveness to length against cross section area - thinner ones go deeper for the weight, whatever they are made of.
The pyrophoric (burns in air) quality of DU that helps it burn its way through armor is not relevant for the first stage of hitting hard targets. Bombs and cruise missiles go slower than anti-tank shells so DU is less likely to ignite on initial impact at slower speeds. Kinetic energy and nose cone design are most important to go through earth and concrete. Tungsten may be best for the tip if is not too brittle. But it would be far more expensive than DU for the main ballast or liners.
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