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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 8/6/16

Why would (Ras) Putin target a sure loser like Trump?

Michael Collins
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Former CIA director Michael Morrell claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin controls Donald Trump's mind.

Putin - RasPutin, is this just a coincidence
Putin - RasPutin, is this just a coincidence
(Image by Dennis Jarvis)
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The new McCarthyism was born when Wikileaks revealed the truth about the leaders of the Democratic Party. The leaked emails showed that the vile Democratic National Committee boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her crew of foul-mouthed punks perpetrated election fraud by rigging the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton.

What a way to kick off convention week. The next step in the story was the obvious question. Who was Debbie working for? We all know the answer. Debbie worked for Hillary. But that question was never asked in earnest and it was certainly not answered.

The ever-vigilant Clinton machine knew the score. If Hilary's tied to Debbie, we're completely screwed. Those Sanders true believers will Kirk out nonstop for the rest of the convention.

Clinton campaign head Robby Mook rushed to the media with an outrageous claim that the Russians hacked the DNC email server to aid the Trump campaign. This was a desperate attempt to divert public attention from the inevitable conclusion that Hillary Clinton is a total slime ball, Bill without the charm.

"What's disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump," Mook said on CNN's "State of the Union." Robby Mook from Politico, June 24

This is classic McCarthyism. It's not Robby Mook making this ridiculous claim. It's "experts" telling him that the Russians (i.e., Putin) did it. He didn't name any experts. The media didn't interview any experts. Mook just leveled the charge.

Senator Joseph McCarthy, (R, WI).  Maestro of the Red scare.
Senator Joseph McCarthy, (R, WI). Maestro of the Red scare.
(Image by (From Wikimedia) National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency / archives.gov/, Author: See Source)
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One expert who should know, President Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, threw cold water on the story. On July 28, he said that his group wasn't ready "yet to make a call on attribution." His next remark was telling: "We don't know enough about this to ascribe motivation regardless of who it might have been." In other words, even if Clapper finds out that the Russians hacked the emails, he won't know why.

Clapper is obviously no Attorney General Loretta Lynch. He was burned once inventing stories for the White House. Not this time, it seems.

But, as we all know, there's never a shortage of outrageous liars when McCarthyism moves into its high dudgeon. If the current intelligence masters won't cooperate, let's exhume a recent retiree.

In a New York Times OpEd endorsing Clinton for president, former CIA head Michael Morrell showed us how true McCarthyism works. He said: "In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation."

I'm simply breathless. These Clinton McCarthyites have no shame. They spout this garbage and expect us to believe it.

You don't need to like Putin's policies to recognize the man's brilliance and intelligence. Given that, why would someone as intelligent as Putin want to take over the mind of Donald Trump when it's been obvious from day one that Trump is going to lose the election? Put another way, if Putin is intelligent enough to enter and control the mind of a presidential candidate, isn't he intelligent enough to do that to the mind of the obvious winner?

Since the charge of Russia meddling in the Clinton campaign and Trump's consecutive epic fails (e.g., arguing with a baby), it appears that Clinton has or is close to a double-digit lead. This is the same Hillary Clinton with a 55% disapproval rating. Before Clinton and her bots channeled the spirit and tactics of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy, Clinton was only leading by a few points. Just as Trump did with his ethnic slurs, the Clinton campaign will do with Putin paranoia. She's now up 10 or so points. The Democrats will flog this dead horse until Election Day.

It's one thing to oppose Donald Trump for president. It's entirely another to actively support a serial liar, warmonger, and likely crook as the alternative. Every single public figure from politics to Hollywood to corporate America that comes out for Hillary as the responsible choice and spouts this Putin paranoia should hope that there is no afterlife. The Deity is not amused.

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