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Widespread corruption of the Israeli courts alleged in reports filed with UN Human Rights Council

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Joseph Zernik
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Widespread corruption of the Israeli courts alleged in reports filed with UN Human Rights Council

The reports, which focus on the study of e-government systems, provide a long series of cases, where the courts produced false and misleading records, which were used for deprivation of rights.

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Tel-Aviv, June 29, 2017 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) filed reports (Submission or about 3,000 words and Annex of over 350 pages) for the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights in Israel by the UN Human Rights Council. The reports are titled: "Incompetence and/or corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in Israel". [i]

The Universal Periodic Review is conducted by the UN Human Rights Council for every member nation every 4 years. Israel's current review session of starts now, a process which involves the Israeli Foreign Ministry and other nations, and will conclude in a session in January 2918 in Geneva. In the previous cycle (2013) Israel initially tried to boycott the process, but eventually consented to participate under international pressure. [ii]
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) reports focus on deceit and breach of trust by judges and attorneys, related to judicial and legal records, particularly electronic court records, generated in new invalid IT systems of the courts. The reports emphasize the importance of studying and monitoring of e-government systems, which today provide unique insights into the true nature of the regime. The reports also raise concerns regarding collusion and/or acquiescence of world-renowned Israeli informatics experts in conditions that have been established in Israel over the past couple of decades, concomitant with the implementation of new e-government systems.
The Human Rights Alert reports pertain only to conduct of the Israeli courts within the 1967 borders, and avoid any discussion of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories. The reports provide a long list of cases as evidence of serious violations of Human Rights by the Israeli justice system itself.

  • The case of Ukrainian citizen, Roman Zadorov, who is confined in Israel, purportedly after being convicted of murder, but with neither valid, enforceable Verdict nor Sentencing records, and with no Arrest Decree (prescribed by Israeli law for admitting a convict to prison) at all, is probably the most notorious of the cases in the Submission and Annex. [iii]

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Figures. The Jew Mendel Beilis was falsely prosecuted and falsely convicted of the murder of a boy in the Ukraine a century ago. The Christian, Ukrainian Roman Zadorov was prosecuted and purportedly convicted in the 2006 murder of a girl in Israel.
Law professor Boaz Sangero wrote: "Conviction with no real evidence."
Law professor Mordechai Kremnitzer wrote: "Conduct of the State Prosecution in the Zadorov case is scary, it is not conduct of Prosecution, which is seeking the truth... Adding to that the Supreme Court' stance and the Attorney General's conduct in recent years, one is left with a justice system, which is primarily defending itself."

  • The case of Joelle Ben-Simon, who was subjected to compulsory psychiatric hospitalization after she protested judicial corruption in front of the office of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, presents evidence of both judicial corruption and retaliation against those, who protest judicial corruption. [iv]

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Figure. Joelle Ben-Simon was confined in compulsory psychiatric hospitalization after she protested against corruption of the Jerusalem Family Court in front of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked's office. The medical records note that the compulsory psychiatric hospitalization is "coordinated" by Attorney Yael Kutik, a senior Ministry of Justice officer.


The reports provide extensive documentation of unprecedented protest against corruption of the justice system in recent years both by the public at large and by experts, on the one hand, and harsh retaliatory measures against social protest activists and whistle-blowers against corruption of the justice system, on the other hand. [v,vi] The court cases against social protest activists and whistle-blowers produces some of the best evidence of judicial incompetence and/or corruption. [vii, viii]
The reports conclude that the evidence indicates systemic violations of Human Rights, treaties and conventions as well as State law by Israeli justice agencies, holding serious implications relative to all aspects of Civil Society in Israel:

  1. The validity and integrity of any legal and judicial records of Israel should be deemed dubious at best. The Israeli courts can no longer be deemed competent Courts of Record. Israel should be deemed in violation of all Human Rights, where competent courts are a prerequisite. Israel should be deemed in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Hague Apostille Convention.

  2. Conditions, which have emerged in the Israeli courts should be deemed a constitutional crisis in a nation with no constitution. The purported "Constitutional Revolution" should be deemed a public relations charade by the same actors, who were central to undermining integrity of the courts.

  3. Concentration of power in legal, security, and capital groups is likely to frustrate any corrective efforts. Conditions in Israel amount to loss of social contract. Correction would require long-term, fundamental public education and massive exertion of public will and determination.

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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